


  tour route


  tourist track


  太平洋海岸旅遊路線 Pacific Coast Touring Route

  介紹旅遊路線Introduct traveling route

  詢問旅遊路線 Asking for Itinerary


  1. The journey by this route is very attractive by its picturesqueness.


  2. Leo: I know all the best tours in the city!

  利奧: 我知道這個城市中所有最好的旅遊路線.

  3. Take a guided tour. It's better to take a guided tour. Your hotel arranges everything.

  乘坐一個旅遊路線. 旅遊路線會更好. 你的賓館會安排一切.

  4. Independence travel, from Cambodia to Vietnam or oppositely. And Phnom Penh to Angkor, Saigon to Honai.

  自助旅遊, 路線:從柬埔寨到越南;金邊到吳哥, 西貢到河內.

  5. Most British visitors beat a well-worn path to the same tourist areas of the US.


  6. Do you wanna go traveling? I can recommend some good routes.

  想出去旅遊 嗎 ?我可以給你推薦一些經典的路線.

  7. The plan touring is included: Place, route, way, time, cost touring etc.

  旅遊計劃包括: 旅遊地點 、 路線 、 方式 、 時間 、 費用等.

  8. Go off the beaten path: Tourist cities may be expensive.

  避開熱門路線: 旅遊城市可能很花錢.

  9. The grand tour involves two different routes.


  10. First, establishes the traveling development project, to promote the traveling high - quality goods route positively.

  首先, 積極編制旅遊發展規劃 、 推出旅遊精品路線.

  11. Do not hesitate ask for information about automobile routes, car repair, or local places of interest.

  要想知道有關汽車路線 、 汽車修理或當地旅遊勝地的資料,儘可以開口問人,用不著猶豫.

  12. Want to help travelers find lodging , vacation packages , and those routes off the beaten path?

  想幫助旅行者找到住宿的地方,提供旅遊指南, 打破那些因循守舊的旅行路線?