


  A man was standing at a corner, with a hat in each hand, waiting for handouts. A passer-by stopped and dropped a coin in one hat, then asked, "What's the other hat for?"

  "Business has been so tremendous lately. " the man replied. " that I decided to open a branch office . "




  At 2 a. m, Mrs. Culkin was convinced that she had heard a prowler in the living, room. "Tiptoe down-stairs," she told her husband. "Don' t turn on the lights. Sneak up him before he knows what's happening

  Dutifully Mr. Culkin put on his robe. Just as he reached the bedroom door, his wife added, "And when you come back, bring me a glass of milk."




  Two Russian hunters meet. "I shot a gigantic bear yesterday," says Ivan. "Look at the hide!"

  "How do you find such huge bears?" Sergei asks.

  "Easy," says Ivan. "You stand in front of a cave and whistle. When the bear comes out, you shoot."

  Weeks later the two meet again. Sergei is covered in bandages. "Didn't you follow my advice?" Ivan asks.

  "Sure I did. I stood, in front of a cave and whistled, " Sergei replies.

  "And what came out?"

  "To me, "says Sergei, "it looked like the Trans-Siberian Express."






