
  主謂一致“一致”是指句子成分之間或詞語之間在性、數等方面應保持一致.主謂一致”是 指謂語動詞與主語必須在人稱、性、數上保持一致,如何學好英語?小編在這裡整理了相關資料,快來學習學習吧!


  一. 就近原則:在 not only…but also, not…but , neither…nor , either…or , there be… 句型中,謂語動詞由相鄰的主語來確定。

  例: 1.Not only they but also I am going to collect money for the Hope Project.

  2.Either you or Jack is about to take the place of the manager.

  二. 集合名詞做主語,指成員時,謂語用複數;指團體,組織時,謂語用單數:如:class , team, group, family, audience***聽眾***, government, company, crowd, public, enemy, committee***委員會*** 等。

  例: 1.The class are busy working on the exercises at the moment .

  2.The team was an excellent one in the 25th Olympic Games .

  三. 當兩個名詞用 with, together with, as well as, rather than, more than, but, except, besides, along with, including, like 等連線起來做主語時,謂語動詞與前面的主語一致。

  例: 1.Jackie, with his parents, intends to set out for Europe on business next week.

  2.The son, rather than his parents, is responsible for the fire accident.***對火災事故負責的是兒子而不是父母***

  四. 當 each, neither, either 以及由 every, any, no, some 與 one, body, thing 構成的不定代詞做主語時,謂語動詞用單數。

  例: 1.Each of the girls is fond of pop music in her class.

  2.Someone is expecting you at the school gate .

  但 none 做主語時謂語用單複數都行。

  例: None of them are / is interested in local music.

  另外:當 every, each, no 做定語時,即使用and 連線兩個主語,謂語也用單數。

  例: 1.Each student is preparing for the final examination now.

  2.Every boy and every girl is proud of the result of the experiment.

  3.No teacher and no student is admitted to enter the place .

  4.They each have an English dictionary .***此句中each 做同位語,謂語由主語they確定***


  例: 1.Five hundred dollars is quite enough for the return voyage ***返航***。

  2.Seven kilometers was covered in two hours .


  例: 1.Four times five is / are twenty. *** Four times five make /makes twenty .***

  六. 當主語是一個從句,不定式或動名詞時,謂語一般用單數。但由 and 連線兩個不定式或動名詞時,動詞則用複數,表示不同的兩件事。

  例: 1.whether he succeeds or fails doesn't concern me . ***他成功或失敗與我無關***

  2.Swimming in the Yangtze River needs great courage.

  3.To say something is one thing, to do it is another.

  4.To play basketball and to go swimming are of great use for character-training.

  另外:當 what, all ***that*** 或such 引導的句子做主語時,謂語用單數或複數應看後面的表語來確定.

  例: 1.What he wants is some advice on how to learn English, while what he looks forward to are some English dictionaries.

  2.All that they ask for are vegetables, fruits , quilts and clothes .

  3.Such are the things I often do in a day.

  4.Such is my best friend Mary.

  七. 當一個複數名詞用做書名,人名,學科名或報刊名時,謂語用單數。

  例: 1.Guiliver's Travels is a novel written by Jonathan Swift .*** 格列佛遊記 ***

  2.The Times is a very helpful newspaper for our studies . ***泰晤士報***

  八. 定語從句的關係代詞在從句中充當主語時,從句的謂語應與先行詞保持一致。

  例: 1.She is the only one of the students who has passed the examination.

  2.They told us something about the houses which were built in the 1540's / 1540s.

  九. 在強調句中,強調主語時,後面的動詞還是由被強調的主語來確定。

  例: 1.I am in the search for my missing gold ring .

  其強調句為: It is I who am in the search for my missing gold ring .


  A. 當and 與 both…and …連線兩個主語時,一般用複數的謂語。但如果由and並列的兩個主語是指同一人時,此時後面一個主語沒有冠詞,其謂語用單數,表示一 個人具有雙重身份。若後一個名詞前有冠詞,則表示兩個人,謂語則用複數。

  例: 1.The teacher and writer is giving the boys a very wonderful lecture .

  2.The teacher and the singer are talking in the hall.

  B. " the +形容詞 / 分詞 "做主語表一類人時,謂語一般用複數;但 the rest 要看它代表的東西來確定。

  例: 1.The wounded are being done first aid beside the road now .

  2..She has taken some of the vegetables. The rest are still on the table .

  3.He has eaten up some of the cheese . The rest has gone bad .

  4.The rest of the story was wonderfully moving and I was moved to tears

  C. many 修飾主語時,謂語用複數。但 "many a… , more than one +單數名詞"***意為"不只一個"***,雖說具有複數意義,但謂語仍用單數。

  例: 1.Many students have made that mistake before .

  2.Many a student has made that mistake before .

  3.More than one student has made that mistake before .

  D. 當trousers, shoes, glasses, clothes, socks, gloves等由兩個部分構成的物品做主語時, 謂語一般用複數。但若與 a pair of, a kind of 等連用時,謂語用單數。

  例: 1.His trousers are torn into pieces in the bike accident .

  2.This pair of trousers belongs to my sister . Mine are being washed .


  1.----_______ either he or I proud of the job ?

  -----Neither he nor you __________.

  A. Am, are B. Is, are C. Are, are D. Am, is

  2. A knife and fork ______ lying on the floor .

  A. was seen B. were seen C. see D. sees

  3.The factory, including its equipments and buildings ,____burnt last night .

  A. is B. are C. was D. were

  4 .I, who _____ your close friend, will share your joys and sorrows *** 悲傷***.

  A. was B. are C. is D. am

  5. Over 70 percent of the population in this province _______ farmers .

  A. is B. are C. has D. have

  6. Some person ______asking for you at the entrance to the cinema .

  A. will be B. is being C. is D. are

  7.The rest of the novel _______ very wonderful and instructive .

  A. were B. are C. is D. seem

  8.Every means ______ tried, but there is no absolute result yet.

  A. have been B. has been C. will be D. were

  9.What I want ______ an interesting book while what he expects _____ two cups of coffee .

  A. is, are B. are, is C. is, is D. are, are

  10.A teacher, together with four students, ______ sent to help with this research the next week .

  A. was B. has C. were D. are

  11.He lost one of the books which ______borrowed from the library yesterday.

  A. were B. was C. had D. have

  12.Jack,as well as his relatives and friends, ________a party at home now.

  A. are having B. is have C. is holding D. are holding

  13.The 26th Olympic Games ______ held successfully .

  A. is B. will be C. are D. were

  14.All but the one that asked for leave yesterday ______ here just now.

  A. is B. was C. has been D. were

  15.On each side of the road ________ a lot of tall trees .

  A. stands B. is standing C. grow D. is growing

  16.Three hours with your old friends________ to be a short time .

  A. seem B. seems C. is seeming D. has seemed

  17.When and where to build the new first aid center _______ yet.

  A. hasn't been decided B. doesn't decided

  C. haven't been decided D. aren't decided

  18.The United Nations _________ in 1959 .

  A. were found B. were founded C. was found D. was founded

  19.Each teacher and each scientist _______ invited to take part in the conference.

  A. are B. was C. has D. were

  20.One and a half apples _______ left on the table .

  A. are B. is C. has D. have



  51. arise from***=be caused by*** 由…引起。

  52. arrange for sb.sth. to do sth. 安排…做…

  53. arrive on 到達;arrive at 到達某地***小地方***;得出,作出;arrive in 到達某地***大地方***;

  54. be ashamed of ***=feel shame, guilt or sorrow because of sth. done*** 以… 為羞恥

  55. assure sb. of sth. ***=try to cause to believe or trust in sth.*** 向…保證, 使…確信。

  56. attach***to*** ***=to fix, fasten;join*** 縛, 系 ,結

  57. make an attempt at doing sth. ***to do sth.*** 試圖做…

  58. attend to ***=give one's attention, care and thought***注意,照顧;attend on***upon******=wait upon, serve, look after*** 侍候,照料

  59. attitude to toward …對…的態度。看法

  60. attribute…to…***=to believe sth. to be the result of…***把……歸因於……, 認為……是……的結果

  61. on the average ***=on average, on an average*** 平均

  62. ***be*** aware of ***=be conscious of , having knowledge or consciousness***意識到,知道。

  63. at the back of ***=behind*** 在…後面

  64. in the back of 在…後部***裡面***;on the back of 在…後部***外面***;be on one's back***=be ill in bed*** 臥病不起。

  65. at one's back***=supporting or favoring sb.*** 支援,維護;have sb. at one 's back 有…支援, 有…作後臺

  66. turn one's back on sb. ***=turn away from sb. in an impolite way*** 不理睬***某人***,背棄,拋棄

  67. behind one's back 揹著某人***說壞話***

  68. be based on upon 基於

  69. on the basis of 根據…, 在…基礎上

  70. beat…at 在…運動專案上打贏

  71. begin with 以…開始。to begin with ***=first of all*** 首先, 第一***經常用於開始語***

  72. on behalf of ***=as the representative of*** 以…名義

  73. believe in***=have faith or trust in;consider sth.sb. to be true*** 相信,依賴,信仰。

  74. benefit ***from*** 受益,得到好處。

  75. for the benefit of 為了…的利益***好處***

  76. for the better 好轉

  77. get the better of ***=defeat sb.*** 打敗, 勝過。

  78. by birth 在出生上,論出身,按血統 at birth 在出生時;give birth to 出生

  79. blame sb. for sth. 因…責備某人 . blame sth. on sb. 把…推在某人身上

  80. in blossom開花***指樹木*** be in blossom開花***強調狀態*** come into blossom開花***強調動作***

  81. on board 到船上, 在船上, 上火車或飛機

  82. boast of ***or about*** 吹噓

  83. out of breath 喘不過氣來

  84. in brief***=in as few words as possible***簡言之

  85. in bulk 成批地,不散裝的

  86. take the floor 起立發言

  87. on business 出差辦事。

  88. be busy with sth.於某事 . be busy doing sth. 忙於做某事

  89. last but one 倒數第二。

  90. but for ***=without*** 要不是。表示假設

  91. buy sth. for…money 用多少錢買

  92. be capable of 能夠, 有能力 be capable of being +過去分詞是能夠被…的

  93. in any case***=for love or money, at any rate, at any price, at any cost , whatever happens;anyhow***無論如何

  94. in case ***=for fear that*** 萬一;

  95. in case of ***=in the event of***如果發生…萬一 in the case of 至於…, 就…而言

  96. in no case在任何情況下都不***放句首倒裝句***

  97. be cautious of 謹防

  98. center one's attention on***=focus one's attention on*** 把某人的注意力集中在…上

  99. be certain of ***=be sure of*** 有把握, 一定。

  100. for certain of ***=for sure ***肯定地,有把握地