


  Personal information


  Nationality: China

  Current location: guangzhou national: han

  Of seat of registered permanent residence: guangdong province height: 162 cm kg

  Marital status: single age: 22

  Training certification: integrity badge:

  Objective and work experience

  Talent type: fresh graduates

  Position: hospital/medical/nursing/beauty care: hospital pharmacy and administrative specialist/assistant: pharmaceutical administrative class,

  Working lives: 0 title: no title

  Job type: full-time post - at any time

  Salary: 1500-2000 work area of hope: guangzhou shenzhen dongguan

  Personal experience: the name of the company: dongguan high starting and ending years step town phuket pharmaceutical co., LTD. : the 2008-07 to 2008-01

  Company nature: joint stock company related industries: chemical, biological products

  Positions: an internship

  Job description: in workshop familiar with general production process flow of drugs, have a deep understanding on drug production quality management, familiar with the requirements of GMP.

  Leaving reason:

  Company name: mei country township hospital pharmacy start-stop years: the 2007-07 ~ 2007-08

  The company properties: institutions subordinate to the industry, medical and health

  Positions: trainee

  Job description: a basic understanding of the pharmacy engineering process.

  Leaving reason:

  Company name: guangdong medical college start-stop years: the 2005-09 to 2007-07

  Nature of the company: by sector:

  Youth volunteer positions: class leader

  Job description: during the period of freshman sophomore, youth volunteers served as class leader. Responsible for organizing the campus greening activities, outside the AIDS publicity, world no tobacco day propaganda, dalingshan nursing homes for old people service and the volunteer work. Tenure, the classmate participation is strong, and have many people to join the youth volunteer team in dongguan, in January 2007, the class was rated as "advanced class" and "advanced league branch". Greatly improving the organization and coordination ability in work.

  Leaving reason:

  Education background

  School: guangdong medical college

  Highest degree: bachelor's degree: bachelor of science graduate - 2009-07-01

  A: your major pharmacy specialty. 2:

  Beginning by education and training experience: monthly ending years school ***institution*** professional certification certificate number

  The 2005-092009-07 guangdong medical college bachelor of medicine

  Language ability

  Language: good English

  Mandarin level: excellent cantonese levels: general

  Ability to work and other specialty

  Personal ability:

  English: in this paper, through the national English test band 4, the national English six levels of tests: 424 points, has a good command of English in listening, speaking, reading and writing.

  Computer: skilled operate MS word, excel, Powerpoint and other office software.


  Freshman year attains the field "work style" activists

  Freshman year attains the field "for evaluation work" activists

  Sophomore year attains the field third-class scholarship

  Detailed personal autobiography

  Interests and hobbies:

  The recreational activity, karaoke, reading, dancing. Dance had to attend a big party in the performance, such as school of the party's performance, inspection institute commemorate the anniversary of the founding of the party's performance.

  Self assessment:

  Patient, careful, serious and responsible work, and strive to do better. Strong learning ability, memory is good, can rapidly adapt to the new job requirements. During the period of school actively participate in the recreational activity, had a part-time job, tutoring, summer jobs. Sincere and friendly, good fellowship, with strong affinity, dare to face the difficulty and pressure; Have good team spirit and coordination ability. Their feet on the ground is my motto! I believe that, with my diligent and hard work, I will be an expensive unit contribute their strength, create brilliant!

  The courses:

  In hospital pharmaceutical management, pharmaceutical affairs management, pharmacology, pharmacy, pharmaceutical analysis, introduction to traditional Chinese medicine ***TCM***, medicinal chemistry, natural medicine chemistry, physiology, pathology, human anatomy, etc.


  College Chinese, market marketing, document retrieval, sports dance, etc


  姓  名: 苗小姐

  性  別: 女

  民  族: 漢族

  政治面貌: 黨員

  出生日期: 1986年10月

  戶  口: 浙江省

  婚姻狀況: 未婚

  學  歷: 本科

  專業: 藥學

  外語水平: 英語 ***CET-4***

  電腦水平: 熟練

  工作年限: 1年

  ***: 15999999999


  工作型別: 全職

  單位性質: 不限

  期望行業: 醫療、保健、衛生服務、製藥、生物工程、醫療裝置、非營利機構、培訓機構、教育、科研院所

  期望職位: 藥學技術與管理人員、醫療管理人員、生物工程/生物製藥、化學藥劑/藥品/化肥、銷售代表

  工作地點: 杭州市

  期望月薪: 1000-2000


  2004年9月至2008年7月 溫州醫學院 藥學專業

  主修課程:無機化學 有機化學 分析化學 物理化學 生物化學 藥理學 藥物化學 藥物分析 藥劑學 生物藥劑及藥動學 天然藥物化學 臨床藥理 藥事管理學 藥物設計學 藥學專業英語 醫學心理學等


  2005年7月 金華市人民醫院 藥劑科 見習

  2008年2月至6月 金華市中心醫院 藥劑科 實習






  年 齡:23歲

  性 別 :男






  2009.09-2013.07 長沙醫學院 藥學***本科***

  2013.09-2016.07 廣東藥學院 藥劑學***碩士***


  2010學年 獲國家勵志獎學金、 獲校級“三好學生”稱號

  2011學年 獲“優秀班幹部”稱號

  2012學年 獲校級“學習標兵”稱號、獲國家勵志獎學金

  2014學年 獲校級“優秀研究生”獎學金







