
注音 ㄖㄣˊ ㄈㄨˊ ㄩˊ ㄕˋ

拼音 rén fú yú shì




⒈  語本《禮記·坊記》:“故君子與其使食浮於人也,寧使人浮於食。”鄭玄注:“食謂祿也。在上曰浮。祿勝己則近貪,己勝祿則近廉。”原謂人的職位高過其所得俸祿的等級,即廉以自守之意。後多以“人浮於事”謂人員過多或人多事少。

投閒置散:  未被重用,放在閒散的地位上。英throw on the scrap-heap; stay idle;

粥少僧多:  準備的粥少,化齋的和尚多。比喻人多東西少而不夠分。英the gruel is meagre and the monks are many—not enough to go round;

十羊九牧:  九個人放牧十隻羊。比喻官員太多,政令不一,使別人不知所從(見於《隋書·楊尚希傳》:“所謂民少官多,十羊九牧”;又唐·劉知幾《史通·忤時》:“十羊九牧,其令難行”)英overstaffed; be ununiformly ordered;

僧多粥少:  比喻不夠分配之意。英the gruel is meagre and the monks are many—not enough to go round; supply falls short of demand;

杯水車薪:  用一杯水去撲滅一車燃燒的柴草。比喻力量太小,無濟於事。例猶以一杯水,救一車薪之火也。——《孟子·告子上》英a cup of water can't put out the fire on a carload of wood; try to put out a burning cartload of faggots with a cup of water—an utterly inadequate measure;