
注音 ㄗㄨㄛˇ ㄓ 一ㄡˋ ㄔㄨˋ

拼音 zuǒ zhī yòu chù




⒈  本指射箭時左臂撐弓、屈右臂扣弦之法。後轉指應付了左面,右面又感到不夠。表示財力或能力不足,窮於應付。

not have enough money to cover the expenses; be unable to cope with a situation; be in straitened circumstances;

顧此失彼:  兩者不能同時兼顧。例錢糧輸納,必有定限,……限有定而百姓閒時辦銀,逢限上納,無顧此失彼之慮。——清·黃六鴻《錢穀比限》英take one into consideration to the neglect of the other; attend to one thing and lose sight of another;

左右開弓:  雙手都能射箭。喻左邊一下、右邊一下做同一動作。英shoot first with one hand,then with the other; shoot first to one side,then to the other; to draw the bow both on the left and right;


捉襟見肘:  衣服破爛,拉一下衣襟就露出胳膊肘兒,比喻生活困難或處境窘迫。英have too many difficulties to cope with; pull down one's jacket to conceal the raggedness,only to expose one's albows;

東扶西倒:  從這邊扶起,又向那邊倒下。形容難以培養扶植或沒有主見。例笑殺槿籬能耐事,東扶西倒野酴醿。——宋·楊萬里《世南蕩》英brace up one while the other tumbles down;

左右為難:  左右都受限制,處處不得其便。例一時左右為難,不知如何是好。英in a dilemma; in an awkward predicament;


四面受敵:  各個方面受到敵對勢力的威脅或攻擊。

挖肉補瘡:  比喻只圖眼前,用有害的方法來應急。英cut out a piece of flesh to patch a boil; rob one's belly to cover one's back;