
注音 ㄖˋ ㄇㄨˋ ㄊㄨˊ ㄑㄩㄥˊ

拼音 rì mù tú qióng




⒈  太陽下山,路到盡頭。比喻陷入絕境。


be on its last legs;

方興未艾:  方:正當。艾:停止。剛興起尚未停止,形容形勢或事物正在蓬勃發展。例經濟改革的形勢目前正方興未艾,尚須進一步深化。英be just unfolding; be in the ascendant;



萬劫不復:  指國家破壞不堪或個人墮落太甚而難於恢復。比喻浩劫極重,受影響極大。英beyond redemption; be doomed eternally;

大勢已去:  整個局勢漸漸變壞,無可挽回。英It is' all up with sb. one's day is gone;

每況愈下:  每一次的情況愈發不如前次好。比喻一直在走下坡路,越變越壞。英from smoke into smother; get worse every time; steadily deteriorate;

江河日下:  江河的水逐日流向下游。比喻事物日衰,景象日非。英go from bad to worse; degenerate day by day; be on the decline; be on the wane;

日落西山:  太陽已落到西山,指時近黃昏。喻指處於衰落時期。例日落西山一點紅。——《薛仁貴徵東》英sunset;

走頭無路:  同“走投無路”。

斷港絕潢:  潢:低窪的積水坑。無法通行的水路。比喻錯誤的,不可能達到目的的辦法。

日暮途遠:  亦作“日莫途遠”。

日薄西山:  薄:逼近。太陽快要落山。比喻事物接近衰亡或人到老年,接近死亡。例臣已日薄西山,餘光無幾,酬恩報國,正在斯時。——《宋史·趙普傳》英declining rapidly as the sun is setting beyond the western hills; nearing one's end;

一蹶不振:  一遭到失敗或挫折就再也振作不起來。英collapse after one setback; be in shambles; curl up; never be able to recover after a setback;

山窮水盡:  比喻走投無路,陷入絕境。英where the mountains and the rivers end—at the end of one's rope;

窮途末路:  形容處境窘困,已到了無路可走的地步。例你如今是窮途末路,舉目無依。——清·文康《兒女英雄傳》英strait; at one's last gasp; be driven into an impasse; be (stand) at bay; come to the end;⒉  亦作“末路窮途”

走投無路:  形容走到無投身之地,前無生路。英have no way out; be in an impasse; be up against the wall; come to the end of one’s tether;