
注音 ㄎㄨㄟˋ ㄅㄨˋ ㄔㄥˊ ㄐㄨㄣ

拼音 kuì bù chéng jūn




⒈  軍隊被打得七零八落,不成隊伍,形容打仗敗得很慘。

be utterly routed;

節節敗退:  形容接連失敗退縮。


人仰馬翻:  人馬被打得仰翻在地。形容被打得慘敗的樣子,也形容極端混亂或忙亂。例所有書役人等,已被他鬧的人仰馬翻。——清·李伯元《活地獄》日夜忙碌,早已弄得筋疲力盡,人仰馬翻。——清·李寶嘉《官場現形記》英men and horses thrown off their feet;

瓦解土崩:  象土崩塌,瓦破碎一樣,不可收拾。比喻徹底垮臺。

如鳥獸散:  像受驚的鳥獸四處逃散。形容打敗仗後四處逃散的情景。例粵兵素弱,見之即潰,如鳥獸散。——清·採蘅《蟲鳴漫錄》英flee helter-skelter; be utterly routed;

風聲鶴唳:  鶴唳:鶴叫。《晉書·謝玄傳》記載,東晉時,秦主苻堅率眾攻晉,列陣淝水,謝玄等率精兵擊破秦軍,秦軍在敗逃途中極度驚慌疑懼或自相驚擾。“聞風聲鶴唳,皆以為王師已至”。形容非常慌張,到了自驚自擾的程度。例風聲鶴唳,草木皆兵。英the whining of the wind and the cry of cranes; a fleeing army's suspicion of danger at the slightest sound; be so nervous and fearful that a slight movement in the wind is enough to make one jittery;

一敗如水:  形容大敗,猶水洩地不可復收。

棄甲曳兵:  扔掉盔甲,拖著兵器,形容大敗而逃的狼狽相。例棄甲曳兵而走,或百步而後止,或五十步而後止。——《孟子·梁惠王上》英throw away their armor(英armour) and trail their weapons behind them;

頭破血流:  頭部破損,鮮血流淌。形容慘遭重創,狼狽不堪。英head broken and bleeding; get one's skull cracked; knock one's head against a brick wall;

望風披靡:  比喻在強大勢力面前紛紛倒下,也比喻軍無鬥志,看到敵人氣勢強盛不戰而潰。英flee pell-mell at the mere sight of the oncoming force; flee helter-skelter at the mere sight;

落花流水:  形容春暮景色衰敗,落花隨著流水而去。比喻好時光的消逝。例蘭蒲蒼蒼春欲暮,落花流水怨離襟。——唐·李群玉《奉和張舍人送秦鍊師婦岺公山》落花流水春去也,天上人間。——李煜詞。英falling flower and flowing water——be shattered to pieces; be smashed to smithereens; utterly routed;⒉  也用以形容殘敗零落。例被我那一路鈀,打進去時,打得落花流水,魂散魄飛!——《西遊記》


一敗塗地:  形容徹底失敗,無法收拾局面。英meet one's waterloo; suffer a crushing defeat;

土崩瓦解:  如土之崩墜、瓦之破碎。比喻徹底崩潰、不可收拾。例封建帝制不是早就土崩瓦解了嗎。英crumble; disintegrate; collapse like a house of cards; fall apart; fall to pieces; go to hell in a hack;