



  網 絡meet you;Meeting you;met you;see you



  I will resort to whatever I have to.besides, you might actually meet someone you like.


  Lt's where we met you.


  Fancy meeting you here.


  Nice to see you, too.


  I'd rather we didn't meet again.

  1. You distract me. I've been distracted since the moment I met you. Because all I can think about is how much I want to kiss you. 你害我分心。從遇見你的那一刻起,你就讓我分心。因為我的腦海裡滿滿都是想吻你的衝動。

  2. It is pleasant for us to meet you. 遇見你我們感到很高興.

  3. Next Monday is the anniversary of the day I first met you. 下週一是我第一次遇見你的週年紀念日.

  4. Meeting you was the high spot of the day. 遇見你是那一天最快樂的事.

  5. This is the last place where I expected to meet you. 我絕沒想到會在這裡遇見你.

  6. I was seeking for a fool when I found you. 我正要找一個傻子,不料遇見你.

  7. It was so nice meeting you, Mr. Stewart. 很高興遇見你, Stewart先生 .

  8. Harry you old bastard! Fancy meeting you here. 哈里,你這老傢伙! 想不到在這裡遇見你.

  9. It's a godsend to meet you here. 在這裡遇見你真是喜出望外.

  10. Ha, I am glad that I meet you again at last. 哈, 我很高興!終於又遇見你了.

  11. Meeting you unexpectedly certainly compensates for missing the train! 意外地遇見你當然也就補償了誤車的損失.

  12. Maybe you do not believe you let me meet again saw hope. 可能你不信,遇見你讓我重新看到了希望.

  13. If we meet in the Heaven, Will you enclasp my hands? 如果在天堂遇見你, 你會不會緊握我的手?

  14. I fell across your uncle in the street the other day. 前幾天我在街上遇見你叔叔.

  15. Can I meet you if I go along like this? 就這樣一直走下去,能遇見你 嗎 ?

  16. Going back to the corner where I first saw you. 回到那個第一次遇見你的街角.

  17. Before you, Bella, my life was like a moonless night. 在遇見你之前, 我的生命如同沒有月光的黑夜.

  18. If meet you in heaven, weather you still picture to pass? 如果在天堂遇見你, 你是否還像過去?

  19. If I hadn't met you I be dead by now. 如果沒有遇見你我肯定已經死了.

  20. If meet you in heaven, can you help me sturdy. 如果在天堂遇見你, 你會不會幫助我堅強?