
  英語屬於印歐語系中日耳曼語族下的西日耳曼語支,是由古代從丹麥,德國和斯堪的納維亞半島周邊移民至不列顛群島的盎格魯、撒克遜和朱特部落的日耳曼人所說的語言演變而來,並通過英國的殖民活動傳播到了世界各地。下面是由小編給大家整理的 ,希望能夠幫助你們:

  :遠方的家 The Faraway Home

  Since I go to school, I move away from my hometown, I miss all the things there, the river, the water and the trees are so natural and beautiful. Though my home is faraway, I can feel it all the time, once I have vacation, I will go back to my hometown. No matter how far away I am, the home is inside my heart.



  :如何成為一個成功的英語演講者How to be a Successful English Speaker

  English is more and more popular among people. But there are many people can write English well, while couldn’t speak English fruitly. How to be a successful English speaker? I have some advice. First of all, speak English more. People should take every chance to speak as much English as possible. Secondly, be confident. Do not afraid to open your mouth. Everyone should have confidence for themselves. Third, try to think in the English way. Four, take every chance to do practice. Last, be patient to yourself. Anyone is able to do these; he will be a successful English speaker on day.



  :獨自居住Living Alone

  Some students prefer to live alone, while others want to live with their roommates. The way I like is living alone. First, living alone is quite. I can study and read books in a quite environment. I can sleep well because nobody is snoring at night. Second, I feel free when I am alone. I don’t need to worry about disturbing my roommates when I want to play or study late at night. Also, I don’t need to do the cleaning all the time. It’s easier to keep the room tidy if I live alone. From all the reason above, I choose the live alone.
