


  在描述事件或遊記類的文章中,採用回憶性的開頭往往更能吸引人的眼球。這種型別的開頭中通常含有描述自己心情或情緒的詞彙,如never forget 永遠無法忘記、 remember 記得、unforgettable 難以忘懷的、 exciting令人激動的、surprising令人驚訝的、sad 難過的……如“A Trip to Huangshan黃山之旅”的開頭還以這樣寫:I will never forget my first trip to Huangshan. 或It was really an unforgettable experience I had。


  在敘事類或論述性的文章中,都可採用疑問型開頭,這樣既可以吸引閱卷者的注意又容易抓住中心。如“Planting Trees種樹”的開頭可以是:Have you ever planted trees? Dont you think planting trees is…… 再如“Traveling Abroad出國之旅”的開頭可以是:If you have anopportunity to travel abroad, why not consider Singapore?


  在有的文章,特別是敘事類的文章中,可以採用倒敘的寫作手法,先寫出事件的結果,再陳述過程。如“Catching Thieves 捉賊”的開頭可以這樣寫:I lay in bed in the hospital. I smiled at my friends even though my legs hurt. Do you want to know what happened to me? Let me tell you. Its a …… story。



  ① 對於敘事類的文章,可以在開頭把人物、時間、事件和環境交代清楚。如“A Trip to Huangshan黃山之旅”的開頭可以是:Last month,my family went to Huangshan by train. It took us ten hours to get there. What a long and tiring journey! We were tired but the beautiful scenery excited us。

  ② 對於論述性的文章,可以在開頭處先闡明自己的觀點,接著展開進一步的論述。如“The Time and the Money時間和金錢”的開頭可以是:Most people say that money is more important than time. But I don't think so. First,when money is used up,you can earn it back,but……


  顏色與心情 Color and Mood

  In English, the word about color can reflect different emotions.

  Blue and grey mean bad mood and red means vitality.

  A new research found that people are easily affected by the products that are in colors.

  For example, when students see the red color in the blackboard, they feel not eased.

  The candies which are packaged in green often not sells well and the food will not considered to be packaged in blue.

  The rule that color has something to do with people’s mood, so the wise manufacturers make use of this rule to catch people’s attention.

  They choose the color that pleases customers and make more profits.