

  西遊記人物名字英譯【西遊記 Journey to the West】

  Main article: 玄奘/唐三藏:英語裡稱他為 Tripitaka 或者 Xuanzang。

  In the story, he is constantly terrorized by monsters and demons because of a legend that they would obtain immortality by eating the flesh of a holy man.


  Main article: 美猴王/孫悟空:英語中稱他為Monkey King 或者 Sun Wukong。

  Sun Wukong is the name given to this character by his teacher, Subhuti, the latter part of which means "Awakened to Emptiness"; he is called Monkey King.


  Main article: 豬八戒:英語中可以叫他Zhu Bajie、Pigsy、 Monk Pig或者就叫Pig。

  He looks like a terrible monster, part human and part pig, who often gets himself and his companions into trouble through his laziness, gluttony, and propensity for lusting after pretty women.


  Main article: 沙悟淨:沙僧的在英語裡叫做 Friar Sand 或者 Sandy。

  Like Zhu Bajie, Wujing was originally a general in Heaven, more specifically a Curtain-Lifting General. In a fit of rage, he destroyed a valuable vase. Other sources mention that he did this unintentionally, and in the Journey to the West series, it was an accident. Nevertheless, he was punished by the Jade Emperor.
