
  大家應該有看到官網雅思寫作評分的四項要求中有一項要求是“Grammatical Range and Accuracy”,這項是同學們覺得比較難提高的。它會要求同學們在寫作中要運用多種句式結構,例如:簡單句、各類從句、分詞短語、並列句等等。





  e.g.在《劍8》的Test 2考官範文中的第一句話:The charts show how much a UK school spent on different running costs in three separate years: 1981, 1991 and 2001.

  還有《劍7》的Test 2範文中的最後一段:the graph shows how the consumption of chicken increased dramatically while the popularity...

  《劍7》的Test 4的最後一段:it is clear that...



  定語從句是同學們複合句中用的最普遍的,也是最容易掌握的句式。但如果想要出色地使用定語從句,同學們在平時就要多注重積累,閱讀《經濟學人》就是一個很好的積累語法、提升語感的方式。***詳見2018.3.22 Super的推送:如何通過閱讀《經濟學人》提高雅思小作文***

  同學們可以參考《劍9》的Test 2範文中第四段的最後一句話:This rise was particularly noticeable between 1990 and 2000, during which time the use of mobile phones tripled.

  這裡考官並沒有用“常規”的which引導的定語從句,而是使用了“介詞+關係詞”的方式,使得句子變得高大上了許多。像這樣比較容易掌握的方式,是在句子後出現時間的時候,使用during which或者by which這樣的結構,可以將具體圖表變化的趨勢寫出來,或者可以直接使用關係副詞中指代時間的when。

  e.g.《劍8》Test 2 This cost decreased to only 5% of total expenditure in 1991 but rose dramatically in 2001 when it represented 23% of the school budget.


  1.e.g.《劍7》Test 2 Although it remained the least popular food, consumption levels were the most stable.


  2.再比如這樣一個句子Courses made up the largest proportion in factors that influenced students’ choice and its percentage decreased from 40% to 34%. 如果我們使用讓步狀語從句,就可以變成了:Although Courses made up the largest..., its percentage still decreased...這樣,並列句就可以很好的轉化成狀語從句了。

  3.此外,時間狀語從句是流程圖中常用的句式,還有常用的連線詞為while, since, when, after, before。

  e.g.《劍6》Test 3 This stage lasts for up to six weeks until the larva produces a cocoon of silk thread around itself.

  e.g.《劍5》Test 1 While the figures for the Western countries grew to about 15% in around 1990, the figure for Japan dipped to only 2.5% for much of this period.