


  Dreams and Reality

  When we talk about dreams, we are so excited, we have many dreams, such as being a famous person, traveling around the world and so on. Dreams are what we pursue for a lifetime, with many dreams, we have motivation to fight for our life. The opposite side of dream is reality, we have to face reality everyday, reality is what we perceive in our life. Reality always frustrates us to be successful. We need to balance them. First, we need to face reality, though it is not ideal, we live in a world, we have to know exactly who we are. Second, to make our dreams come true, we need to adjust our dreams according to the reality。










  To: wangming63@sohu

  Subject: To be a great roommate

  Dear Wang Ming,

  I'm writing to kindly remind you of the dormitory rules.


  Best wishes,



  Dear Wang Ming,

  I'm writing to kindly remind you of the dormitory rules. As we live in the same room, we are like families thus we should love each other and respect each other. What's more, we should make our room clean and tidy. Therefore, I hope you can read the following rules and obey them. Rule No.1 When you get up in the morning, remember to make the bed. Rule No.2 Don't make phone calls when we are sleeping. Rule No.3 Don't use others' things without permission. Rule No.4 Turn off the lights before you leave the room. I hope all of us can obey these rules and make our room more and more comfortable.

  Best wishes,



  為了滿足人們日益增長的健身需求,我國政府於 2009 年將每年的 8 月 8 日定為"全民健身日" .今年的"全 民健身日"即將來臨,為了讓這項活動更加深入人心,某英文報紙舉辦了一場徵文比賽.現在請你以"Let's Do Sports"為題寫一篇短文,向該報投稿.


  1. Do you think it is important for everyone to do sports?

  2. What sports do you like? Why do you like it/them?

  3. Do you often do sports with your friends and parents?

  4. How often and how long do you do sports?

  5. How do you feel after doing sports?


  1. 短文詞數 80 左右;

  2. 必須包括上述提示內容,語句通順,意思連貫,書寫規範,可適當發揮;

  3. 短文中不得出現考生的姓名,校名及其他相關資訊,否則不予評分.


  Let's Do Sports I think it's very important for everyone to do sports. I like sports because they're not only good for my health but also good for my study. My favorite sport is swimming. Whenever I am free, I will have a swim with my friends in the swimming pool. After swimming,I usually feel happy and relaxed. What's more,Ican put more energy into my study. So let's do sports,and we will become stronger and stronger.

