



  A: I want to get the house painted. It is getting a bit dirty and dingy.

  B: Make sure you hire the experts to do it. You’re so clumsy and awkward. You’ll probably fall off the ladder and hurt yourself.

  A: 我想把房子刷一下。房子變得又髒又暗了。

  B: 那你得找幾個行家來刷。你笨手笨腳的,說不定會從梯子上摔下來受傷的。


  A: Oh no! Someone has put his hand in Grandma’s birthday cake! Who could have done it?

  B: I bet Roger did it. He is so ham-handed, always dropping things and walking into walls. It’s just another of his accidents.

  A: 天啊!有人把手插到奶奶的生日蛋糕裡了!會是誰幹的呢?

  B: 一定是Roger,他毛手毛腳的,不是掉東西就是走路撞牆。這肯定又是他一不小心乾的。


  clumsy: 手腳笨拙的。樣子不優雅的。

  awkward: 手腳笨拙的,不靈巧的。不熟練的。

  ham-handed: 笨拙的。

  dingy: 暗淡的,泛黃的。



  A: Usually I couldn’t care less if someone can’t dance, but the lady I’m dancing with keeps stepping on my feet.

  B: Your partner may be a floundering dancer, but my partner is so ungainly. She makes an elephant look like a ballerina.

  A: 我一般不在乎別人不會跳舞,但是跟我跳舞的那位女士不停地踩我的腳。

  B: 你的舞伴可能還只是步點不穩,可是我的舞伴簡直就奔得不像樣。跟她比大象簡直就是芭蕾舞演員。


  A: You seem to be working very slowly today. What is wrong? Bad time at home?

  B: Well, my youngest son is feeling ill, and kept me up half the night. That’s why my work is a bit heavy-handed and clumsy this morning.

  A: 你今天好好像工作效率很低。怎麼了,家裡又什麼煩心事?

  B: 嗯,我的小兒子生病了,昨晚忙乎了半夜,所以今天早上是有些笨手笨腳的。


  floundering: 行動笨拙的。肢體亂動的。***站不穩時***掙扎的。

  ungainly: 形容人的行動不雅緻的。笨拙的。

  couldn’t care less: 無所謂,不在乎。

  ballerina: 芭蕾舞女演員。

  heavy-handed: 不靈活的,笨手笨腳的。


  keep sb. up: 讓……不睡覺。