


  think about=think of 考慮,思考

  think of 想起,想到,認為與

  think about不同

  in the countryside 在鄉村

  enjoy nature 享受自然

  give sb. joy 給某人快樂

  be important to sb. 對某人很重要

  share sth. with sb. 與……分享

  feed on 以……為食***指動物***

  live on以……為食***指人類***

  That’s nature. 那就是自然

  cover…with… 用…覆蓋

  the earth’s surface 在地球的表面

  ***Thousands and*** thousands of 成千上萬

  in rainforests 在雨林

  make the air fresher and cleaner


  be necessary for 對……..很有必要

  plenty of 大量

  need water to drink, to cook and to clean


  In fact 事實上

  make up 組成,化裝,和解

  most parts of the earth地球的大部分

  be important to 對…….很重要

  living things生物

  save every drop of water節約每一滴水

  do something useful to protect rainforests



  be sure ***that***+句子 …確信

  be not sure if/ whether..不敢確信是否……

  take the place of 代替

  instead of 代替

  in danger處在危險狀態

  lose one’s job 失業

  be good for 對……有好處

  be bad for對……沒有好處

  get information 獲得資訊


  seem to do...似乎,好象

  call for尋求,需要,號召,提倡

  wake sb. up 把……叫醒

  see sb. doing sth. 看見某人正做…….


  某人在時間/ 金錢上花費…….

  be sure of+名詞... 確信

  these days 這些天

  be listed 被列出

  in alphabetical order按字母順序排列

  in order 按順序排列

  look up查詢

  look up a word in the dictionary


  pay attention to注意

  begin with以…開始

  use...for doing sth. 用……做某事

  and so on ……等等

  give it a try 試一試

  download useful information


  write to sb.=write a letter to sb. 寫信給某人

  turn on = switch on 開啟

  had better do... 最好做……

  plug …in 接通

  ask for help=call for help 請求幫助


  more than=over 超過, ……多

  pull down 拆毀

  make the traffic heaviver 使交通更擁擠

  wear out 磨損,用壞

  be worn out 被損壞

  do one’s best to protect… 盡力去保護

  one of the greatest wonders of the world


  order sb to do sth. 命令某人做某事

  It takes sb. time to do sth.


  be made up of 由……組成

  join sth. together 把……連線在一起


  a ***the*** symbol of…. …….的象徵

  at the same time 同時

  have a better future有一個美好的未來