




  *** ***1.A.The same to you.

  B.Thank you.

  C.I’m sorry to hear that.

  *** ***2.A.Good-by! B.Have a good trip! C.Where are you going?

  *** ***3.A.Of course! B.I’d like to. C.Yes, I can.

  *** ***4.A.You’re welcome!

  B.Thanks a lot.

  C.I don’t agree.

  *** ***5.A.3 times a week B.3 times. C.2 times.


  *** ***1.A.Go skating. B.Go swimming. C.Go skateboarding.

  *** ***2.A.By bus. B.By bike. C.By boat.

  *** ***3.A.Hong Kong. B.Nanjing. C.My father.

  *** ***4.A.Mary B.Kate. C.Mary’s.

  *** ***5.A.Jim. B.John. C.Bill.


  1. 2. 3.

  4. 5.


  *** ***1. A.Twenty B.Thirty-three C.Twenty-three

  *** ***2. A.English floor. B.Eightieth floor. C.Eighteenth floor.

  *** ***3. A.At half past eight. B.At half past seven. C.At seven o’clock.

  *** ***4. A.Fifty kilometers. B.Fifty miles. C.Fifty meters.

  *** ***5. A.Because she often tells them stories.

  B.Because she often takes them to the shop.

  C.Because she often gives them books.





  2.sometimes ***adv.***




  Ⅱ.單項選擇題 從每小題給出的四個選項中,選出一個正確答案。***10分***

  1. do you visit your grandpa? —Never. A.How often B.How long C.How far D.How 2. a week do you go to the park? —3 times. A.How long B.How often C.How soon D.How many times 3.Yesterday morning Miss Wang . A.has a stomachache B.had a stomach C.had stomachache D.had a stomachache 4.—Don’t forget an umbrella with you. It’s going to rain. —Thanks a lot. A.to take B.take C.to bring D.bring 5.It is very important for us healthy food. A.eat B.eating C.to eat D.ate

  6.I think Rose is of all. A.more outgoing B.outgoingest C.most outgoing D.the most outgoing 7.Jack is not a kid any more, he should himself. A.depend B.depend on C.depends D.depends on 8.How long does it take your sister home from school? A.gets to B.get to C.to get D.to get to 9.I’m going to Tibet vacation my family. A.for, and B.for, with C.for a, with D./, with 10.Would you like Mary dinner together? A.inviting, to have B.invite, to have C.invite, have D.invite, has Ⅲ.交際運用***15分***


  A: 1 ? B:I have a headache. A:How are your feeling now? B: 2 . A:Let me see. There’s nothing much wrong with you. B: 3 . A:Sure. Did you eat anything for breakfast? B:No. I didn’t. A:Well. 4 . Have a good rest and drink more water. B:OK. 5 .
















***B***補全對話:根據對話內容,在空白處填寫適當的話語。***話語可能是一個句子,一個短語或一個詞***,使對話完整、正確。***10分*** A:The summer holidays will begin next month. 1 ? B:Dad is going to take me to our hometown in Jiangxi. We are going to visit my grandparents there. A:Oh, they will be very happy to see you again. B:Sure. 2 ? A:Maybe my parents will take me to a few cities in the South. B:That is going to be exciting. 3 ? A:Perhaps Shanghai, Nanjing, Wuxi and Hangzhou. B:Great! They are all very interesting place. I am sure you will 4 . A:I hope 5 . IV.短文填空***10分*** 從方框中選擇正確選項,完成短文,並把字母序號寫在短文後面的橫線上。***其中有兩個選項是多餘的。***

  Tom get up very early yesterday morning. He 1 himself, washed his face and went out to run in the open air. Then he had 2 breakfast. Then he went to school 3 his bike. There 4 four classes in the morning. 5 class he read some books. 6 was at twelve. After lunch he had a short rest. In the afternoon he had two 7 . Then he had half 8 hour for sports. He 9 basketball 10 football. In the evening he did his homework at home. He went to bed at ten.































V.閱讀理解***25分*** ***A*** Jim wants to borrow a book from a new library. He come to the library with Jack. They can’t see any assistants, but there are some robots standing there. Then Jim says to the robot “Hey, give me the book.” But the robot doesn’t work. “What’s wrong with this robot?” he asks Jack. Then Jack tells him. “When you want to borrow something from somebody, you must say ‘please’ first.” So Jim says, “Will you please give the book to me, Mr. Robot?” Then the robot brings him the book. But again, Jim can’t take the book out of the robot’s hand. Jack says, “You must say ‘Thank you!’ before you take the book.” So Jim says. “Oh, thank you very much. Mr. Robot.” The robot smiles and gives the book to him. 請根據短文內容將下列資訊匹配,並將代表資訊的字母寫在相應的橫線上。***5分*** 1.Before you borrow something from somebody, you should say first. A.doesn’t work 2.Before you get something from somebody, you should say first. B.please 3.If you say “Thanks!” to the robot, it . C.be polite 4.If you say “Give me that book!” the robot . D.thank you 5.According to this passage, we should understand that we should . E.will give you the book

  ***B*** A woman is ill. So she goes to see a new doctor who doesn’t know her. He asks some questions and one of them is “How old are you?” The woman says “I don’t know, doctor, but let me think about it.” She thinks for a minute and then says, “Yes, I know, doctor! When I married, I was eighteen years old, and my husband was thirty. Now my husband is sixty. And that is twice thirty. So I am twice eighteen. That is thirty-six, isn’t it?” 根據短文內容,判斷下列各句正***T***、誤***F***。***5分*** *** ***1.This story is about a woman’s husband. *** ***2.The doctor wants to know the woman’s age. *** ***3.The woman doesn’t want to tell the doctor her age. *** ***4.The woman’s age is forty-eight in fact. *** ***5.Her husband is twenty-four years older than her.

  ***C*** My friend Tom is a soldier. He works hard in the Army. He is also very friendly to others. One spring morning, he comes home for his holiday by bus. He is very happy and keeps singing all the way. When the bus comes to a river, suddenly a boy is in the river. Tom is sure the boy can’t swim. There is no time for him to take off his clothes. He jumps into the water and carries the boy onto the land. The boy is safe now. But Tom is all wet “Ah-Chi” Tom has a cold now, but he is very happy. 根據短文內容,選擇正確答案。***5分*** *** ***1.Tom is my . A.friend B.brother C.student D.teacher *** ***2.He takes a bus . A.to Army B.home C.to home D.to the factory *** ***3.It’s now. A.winter B.autumn C.summer D.spring. *** ***4. is calling for help. A.An old man B.An old woman C.A girl D.A boy *** ***5.Which one is right? A.Tom is not friendly to his friends? B.Tom is in a car. C.Tom takes off his clothes and jumps into the river. D.The boy is safe and Tom is ill at last.

  ***D*** Jimmy is 12 years old. Jimmy’s mother goes to work by car every day, so she takes Jimmy with her to his school, and brings him back when he finishes school. “A lot of my friends have bikes, and they ride to school on them,” Jimmy said to his mother one day. “Wait, Jimmy. I’m going to buy you a nice bike soon.” Mother said. Then yesterday mother stopped her car at a red light and looked at Jimmy. “Jimmy,” she said to him. “I’m going to give you a bike next month, but first I’m going to ask you some questions. Now, look at these traffic lights. Do you know their meanings?” “Oh, yes,” Jimmy answered happily “Red means ‘Stop’, green means ‘Go’, and yellow means ‘Go very quickly’.” 根據上面所讀內容補全下面的短文,每空一詞。***5分*** I know a schoolboy called Jimmy, he goes to school in his mother 1 every day. A lot of his friends go to school 2 bike every day, so he 3 his mother for a bike one day. Before getting the new bike, his mother asked him 4 questions, and one of them is “What’s the 5 the traffic lights?”

  ***E*** I had an interesting experience last year. After I had left a small town in the south of France, I drove on to the next town. On the way, a young man waved***招手***to me. I stopped and he asked me for a lift. As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French, and he replied in the same language. Apart from***除了***a few words, I do not know any French at all. Neither of us spoke during the journey ***旅途***, I had nearly reached the town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly, “Do you speak English?” As I soon learnt, He was English himself. 根據短文內容回答下列問題。***5分*** 1.When did the man drive on the next town?

  2.When did he say good morning to the young man in French?

  3.What did the writer think of the experience? 4.Where did the young man come from? 5.Did they talk to each other during the journey? VI.書面表達***15分*** ***A***就要放假了,Jim打算和父母去北京旅遊,去看一看長城,看看老舍筆下的北京胡同,參觀一下天安門……請根據提示,幫他完成下面的短文。***每空一詞******5分*** Hello, everyone! My name’s Jim. I’m so happy now, because the summer vacation is 1 to us. I’m going to Beijing 2 my family 3 this vacation. I’m going to 4 the Great Wall and Beijing Hutong. I’m going to 5 photos and so on. I’m sure that I can have a good time, do you think so? ***B***花季的暇想總是豐富多彩的,花季的生活也同樣生機勃勃。請你以“My School Day”為題,寫一篇短文,可以描寫你如何去上學,學校是不是很遠,每天在學校你都做些什麼,其他同學又做些什麼……***10分*** 要求: 1.書寫認真,字跡工整,無語法錯誤。 2.合乎邏輯,詞數60—80。 3.文中請勿使用真實姓名和班級。

  My School Day




  1.C 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.B


  1.C  2.A 3.C 4.C 5.B


  1.A 2.B 3.D 4.E 5.C


  1.C 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A


  I.詞彙,將單詞歸類***5分,每個詞0.5分*** 數詞: B;J 副詞:A;E 形容詞:D;H 名詞:F;I 動詞:C:G Ⅱ.單項選擇***10分,每題1分*** 1—5 ACDAC 6—10 DBCBB Ⅲ.交際運用***15分*** ***A***從方框內選擇正確的答案***5分*** 1.A 2.F 3.D 4.C 5.G ***B***補全對話***10分*** 1.What are you doing for vacation? 2.What about you?/How about you ? 3.What cities are you going to visit?/ Where are you going? 4.have a good time/ have fun/ enjoy yourself 5.so Ⅳ.短文填空***10分*** 1—5 FGAIK 6—10 LHDEJ V.閱讀理解***25分*** ***A***根據短文內容,將資訊匹配。***5分*** 1.B 2.D 3.E 4.A 5.C ***B***根據短文內容判斷正***T*** 誤***F*** ***5分*** 1—5 FTFTF ***C***根據短文內容,選擇正確答案***5分*** 1.A 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.D ***D***根據短文容填空***5分*** 1.car 2.by 3. asked 4.to answer 5.meaning ***E***根據短文內容回答下列問題***5分*** 1.After he had left a small village in the south of France. 2.As soon as the young man got into the car. 3.It was amusing. 4.England. 5.No, they didn’t. VI.書面表達***15分*** ***A***根據提示,完成短文***5分*** 1ing 2.with 3.for 4.visit 5.take ***B******10分***本題分三個檔次給分, 第一檔:應用了較多的語法結構和詞彙,沒有語法和詞彙錯誤,具備較強的語言運用能力,賦分8—10分 第二檔:應用的語法結構和詞彙能滿足題目的要求,有語法和詞彙錯誤,但不影響對寫作內容的理解。賦分5—7分。 第三檔:語法結構單調,詞彙專案有限,有較多的語法與詞彙錯誤,詞不達意,影響了對寫作內容的理解。賦分4分以下。 0分沒有內容或內容太少,無法評判,寫的內容與所要求內容無關或所寫內容無法看清。