


  在中國,風箏具有獨特的藝術價值。風箏首先出現在春秋時代***the Spring and Autumn Period***的戰爭中。隨著時代的發展,現在風箏已成為一項世界性的體育和休閒活動。風箏的主要材料為竹子和紙,並加以各種繪畫來裝飾。風箏具有各種形狀,如昆蟲、金魚***goldfish***和雲彩等,大的可達數百平方米,最小的甚至可以放在信封裡。這些富有魅力的風箏反映了手工藝人***craftsman***的高超技藝。

  1.第2、3句都是論述風箏的發展,語義順承,故考慮將其合譯為一句,而重點放在現在的狀況,所以把後一句處理成主句,前一句用過去分詞短語引出,表達為first appeared..., now... it has become...。

  2.第4句寧的兩個分句“風箏的主要材料為竹子和紙”及“並加以各種繪畫來裝飾”的邏輯主語不同,分別是 “材料”和“風箏”,若按原文字面來譯,需譯成兩個句子,較繁瑣,故考慮將兩個分句的主語統一為“風箏”,承前用 it 指代風箏,譯為 it is mainly made of... and decorated with...,表達清晰順暢。

  3.倒數第2句中的“風箏具有各種形狀”可處理為with引導的伴隨狀語With different shapes such as...。最後兩個分句語義上表對比,可譯成while引導的並列句。“大的可達數百平方米”可譯成a large kite can measure hundreds of square meters 或 a large kite can be as large as hundreds of square meters。

  4.最後一句中的“富有魅力的”,不少人首先想到的詞是charming,這裡也可以譯為attractive。“手工藝人的高超技藝”中的中心詞是“技藝手工藝人的”可處理成後置定語of the craftsmen。


  The kite is considered to have unique artistic valuein China. First appeared in the wars of the Springand Autumn Period, now with the development oftimes, it has become a worldwide sport and leisureactivity. It is mainly made of bamboo and paper anddecorated with various kinds of paintings. Withdifferent shapes such as insects, goldfish and cloud,a large kite can measure hundreds of square metere while the smallest can even be put into anenvelope. These attractive kites show the superb skills of the craftsmen.




  提到中國體育不能不說乒乓球。乒乓球為中國贏得了無數個世界冠軍***championship***,給國人帶來無窮的喜悅與自豪感。此外,乒乓球一直是中國人最喜愛的運動之一。無論在學校、社群***residential areas***,還是公園、廣場,都可以看到乒乓球和人們揮拍的身影。上至花甲老人,下至年幼孩童都可以揮上幾拍,這也是乒乓球被稱為中國國球的另一原因。

  1.第1句“提到中國體育不能不說乒乓球”可套用句型When...we cannot avoid mentioning sth.來表達“當......時不能不說......”的意思。該句中“提到”和“說”意義相近,翻譯時應避免用詞重複。“提到”用短語when itcomes to來表達,也可通俗地說成when we talkabout...。

  2.第2句中“贏得了......”和“帶來……”為並列結構,翻譯時,可將其直譯為and連線的並列結構,也可將後半句譯成現在分詞短語 bringing Chinese people a lot of happiness and a sense of pride,作伴隨狀語。

  3.第4句中的“都可以看到乒乓球和人們揮拍的身影”這個句子中,主語因約定俗成而省略,這種“無主語句” 在漢語中頻頻出現,翻譯成英文時往往要根據主語的重要性進行相應補全或譯成無主語的被動句,此處宜將主語you補充出來。該句中“揮拍的身影”省譯更符合英語表達習慣,只需譯出“看到乒乓球和人們”即可。

  4.最後一句中的“花甲老人”和“年幼孩童”分別用elder people和children來表達即可,不必譯出“花甲”、“年幼"二詞。在處理一些為了行文需要而存在的中文表達時,應採取“減詞”的翻譯策略,否則譯文反而顯得累贅或違背英語表達習慣。


  When it comes to China sports, we cannot avoidmentioning table tennis. This sport has helped Chinawin countless world championships, bringing Chinesepeople a lot of happiness and a sense of pride. Inaddition, table tennis has always been one of thefavorite sports of the Chinese people. You will seetable tennis and its players everywhere, no matter inschools, residential areas, parks or squares. Both elder people and children are able to play itmore or less. This is another reason why it is called the "Chinese National Ball".