


  1. 現在團購很流行

  2. 團購有很多好處,但也有不少問題

  3. 我的建議


  In recent years, a new type of online shopping is rapidly gaining popularity — grouppurchasing, which was originally introduced from foreign countries but is now widely acceptedall over China. People can buy not only goods, but also all kinds of services on group purchasingsites.

  Group purchasing is very convenient, and saves people a lot of money. But it also hassome problems. Since group purchasing is nothing more than another form of online shopping,the nature of it is no different from other online shopping patterns. Problems that exist in onlineshopping also can be found in group purchasing, like deceptive advertisements or poor after-sale services.

  In my opinion, we should treat group purchasing as a way of shopping and nothing more.We must be careful not to buy something we don’t need only to follow the fashion.



  1. 目前出現許多年輕人變成“卡奴”現象

  2. 出現這一現象的原因

  3. 我對這一現象的看法和建議


  As people change the patterns of consumption, it is common for people to have several cards. Then “Card slave” is coined. “Card slave” refers to people who can only pay the minimum balance on their credit card debt every month. Many youngsters fall under the so-called card-slave category.

  The reason behind “card slaves” varies. The fierce competition among banks, Chinese or foreign, encourages them to lure customers to hold more credit cards. Unfortunately, some card holders, especially youngsters with large shopping addictions and small salaries, have outstanding credit card debts and gradually became “card slaves” after reaching their credit card limit on luxury items. Due to their meager salaries, they always live on the edge of bankruptcy.

  In my opinion, people should manage their financial affairs. First, only choose the credit cards that suit you the most. Secondly, manage your cards properly. Get some good tips from internet and follow them. Thirdly, increase income and avoid excessive expenses. These tips will help you keep away from the danger of becoming a “card slave”.