

  一、祝願、祝賀及應答***Good wishes, congratulations and responses***


  I have passed the examination! 我已經通過考試了.

  Congratulations***to you***祝賀你!


  Good luck with your trip! 祝您們旅途平安! Have a good trip/journey.=I wish you a good trip/journey.祝你旅途愉快,祝你一路順風。/ Good trip to you./Nice journey to you.祝你旅途愉快 / Have a nice/pleasant/wonderful time.=I wish you a nice/pleasant/wonderful time.祝你過得愉快,祝你玩得痛快。

  3、當某人生日時 A: Happy birthday to you;生日快樂!B: Thank you!謝謝!


  A:I will take the exams tomorrow.我明天將參加考試.B: Good luck ***to you***!***I wish you success!***祝您順利!***祝您成功!***

  注:上述幾點中祝願***賀***的回答可用. Thanks./thank you/thanks a lot.或It‘s kind of you to say so.謝謝. /多謝. /謝謝您./謝謝你這麼說。


  A: Happy New Year***to you***! 新年快樂!

  B: Thanks. The same to you!***Happy New Year to you, too!***謝謝!您也一樣!***也祝您新年快樂!***

  二、請求允許和應答***Asking for permission and responses***

  1、Can I/Could I/May I...? 我可不可以...?

  這個是請求對方允許自己做某事的最普通的交際用語,其中could I...?語氣最婉轉;May I...? 常用在比較正式的場合;Can I...? 用得最廣泛。

  對於所提出的請求表示允許或同意時,可說:Yes./Sure./Certainly.當然可以.Of course, you may.當然可以.Yes, do please.請吧。Go ahead, please.請吧。That‘s Ok. /all right. 好的。

  對於所提出的請求表示不允許或不同意時,可說:No, pleased don‘t.請不要./I’m sorry you can‘t.對不起,你不可以/...I’m sorry, but...對不起,但是.... /You‘d better not...你別....

  2、Do you mind if I do...?

  這是用來表示“請求許可”的交際用語.句中的mind作“介意”、“反對”解.整句的意思是“如果我幹某事,你反對/介意嗎?”或“我幹某事,”好嗎?注意:當我們用“Do you mind if...”時,if從句中的謂語動詞一般用現在時;當我們用“Would you mind if...”時,if從句中的謂語動詞一般用過去時,這時語氣更加婉轉.應答時,如果表示“允許/不介意”,常說:No, I don‘t mind. 我不介意/我允許。Certainly not / Of course not. 當然不介意.No, go ahead. 不介意,你幹吧.Not at all. 一點也不介意。如果表示“不允許/介意”時,常說:I’m sorry you can‘t...很抱歉,你不能....I’m afraid....恐怕....I‘m afraid it’s not allowed. 恐怕這是不允許的.

  3、I wonder if I could/can...? 我想知道我能否...?

  這也是用來表示“請求許可”的交際用語.句中的wonder作“想知道”解,後面常跟if從句.整個句子的意思是“我想知道我是否可以......?”用以委婉地提出請求。應答時,如果允許,常說:Sure, go ahead./Yes, please do.可以,請吧. Yes/Of course/Certainly. 當然可以,如果不允許,可以說: I‘m sorry, but... 對不起,...I’m afraid not. 恐怕不行.No, please don‘t. 請不要.......You’d better not... 你別.....


  1、用may***can, could***,來表達

  表示同意請求的應答:yes, you may***can***是的/certainly***=of course/Sure.***當然可以/Yes, do please,好的,請吧。


  表示不同意請求的應答:No, you mustn‘t,不可以/No, you can’t,不能.No, you‘d better not你不這樣/Please don’t 請不要這樣/Sorry, I‘m afraid not,對不起,恐怕不能。


  表示同意的請求應答:Yes, I‘d like to.好的,我願意./All right***=OK***好的/***That’s a***Good idea 好主意./Yes, Let‘s.好的,讓我們走吧.

  表示不同意請求的應答:Please don‘t.請不要這樣./I don’t think so.我認為不要這樣./I‘m afraid not,恐怕不能

  3、用Would, Will, Would***Will***you please...?/Would you like...? 來表達

  表示同意請求的應答:Yes, I‘d like to.***=Yes, I’d love to.=Yes, I‘ll be glad to.=Yes, I should I like to***是的,我願意./With pleasure.十分願意.


  表示不同意請求的應答:I‘d like ***love***to, but I’m busy,我很想,但我很忙./I‘m sorry, but I’m busy.對不起,我很忙./I‘m afraid not恐怕不能./I’d really like to, but I have no time.我的確很願意,可我沒時間.

  4、用please 來表達.

  表示同意請求的應答:OK,***=All right.***好的./of course.***=Sure.=Certainly.***當然可以./With pleasure.十分願意。

  表示不同意請求的應答:I‘m sorry, but I’m busy,對不起,我很忙,/I‘m afraid not 恐怕不行。

  四、道歉和應答***Apologize and responses***

  Excuse me for...... 請原諒我....../ Pardon me for....... 請原諒我......./ I‘m really sorry for..... / 我真為.......感到抱歉.I’m awfully sorry. I don‘t mean to...... 我非常抱歉,我無意....../ I’m so sorry. It‘s all my fault. 我十分抱歉,都是我的過錯./ I’m terribly sorry about..... 我對......非常抱歉./ It was wrong of me to do....... 做......是我的過錯./ I really feel bad about...... 我真對........感到難過 ./ I regret that...... 我後悔......./ I do apologize about......我對.......表示道歉. / I hope you‘ll pardon me for....希望你能原諒我....... / I must make an apology for.....我必須對.....表示道歉 ./ Please forgive me for......請原諒我.......


  It really isn‘t worth mentioning.實在不值得一提.Don’t say more about it.不要再提它了.Never mind, it doesn‘t really matter.沒關係,真的不要緊.Please don’t worry about it.請別為這事擔心.It‘s nothing serious.沒有什麼關係.Please think nothing of it.請別想它了.Well,it’s one of those things.哦,這是常有的事.That‘s all right.沒關係.Please don’t blame yourself.請別責備自己.Forget thinking of it.別再想它了

  五、邀請與應答***Invitation and responses***


  Will / would / can / could you come to...? 是被邀請人接受的可能性較大.表示“請您來...好嗎?”。例如:

  Will you come to take part in my party? 你來參加我的聚會好嗎?

  Would you like +名詞***代詞*** / 不定式 / sb.+不定式?

  此句型表示“您願意...?或你是否願意...?”,此時邀請人不知對方是否接受邀請,是商量、詢問及試探性的邀請、請求或表示個人的想法、看法。 例如:

  Would you like to go there with him? 你願意與他一道去那兒嗎?

  B:Yes, I‘d like***love*** to好的,我願意.***類似肯定表達法:Yes, I’d be happy to.好的,我很樂意.Yes,

  it‘s very kind / nice of you to invite me. 好的,謝謝您邀請我。

  Yes,it’s very kind of you. 真是太好了,謝謝。


  I like sb. to do sth./ I‘d like you to come to....這是向某人發出邀請的常見句式。表示“希望***想叫***某人做某事”,常與would連用,是一種客氣的邀請。例如:

  A :I‘d like to invite you to see a film with me.我想請你和我一起去看電影.

  B: I‘d like***love*** to, but I’m very busy.我很想,但我很忙.***類似委婉拒絕表達法:I‘d love to....I’m afraid我想去,恐怕...,Thank you for inviting me.***

  It‘s very kind of you to invite me, but I’m busy.謝謝你邀請我,但我很忙.***