


  The world’s cheapest man finally went to the dentist to have his teeth fixed.


  “Well, sir,” said the dentist, “I’m afraid you’ve waited too long to get these teeth attended to. They’ll all have to come out.”


  “How much will that cost?” inquired the skinflint.


  “A thousand dollars.”


  “Here’s a hundred,” said the tightwad. “Just loosen them up a bit.”



  “Boy, have I got problems!” the man said to the psychiatrist.


  “Go ahead and tell me about them.”


  “Well, to start with, I’ve got an estate in the country, three Mercedes and a luxury yacht.”


  “So,what’s the problem?”


  “I’m only make $100 a week! ”



  “Boy, have I got problems!” the man said to the psychiatrist.


  “Go ahead and tell me about them.”


  “Well, to start with, I’ve got an estate in the country, three Mercedes and a luxury yacht.”


  “So,what’s the problem?”


  “I’m only make $100 a week! ”
