

  1. 省略句的定義


  2. 小品詞的省略

  *** 1 ***省略介詞

  He spent four hours ***in*** going over his lessons. 他花了四個小時複習功課。

  I ' ve studied Eng1ish ***for*** five years. 我已學五年英語了。

  *** 2 ***省略連詞 that

  I believe ***that*** you will succeed . 我相信你們會成功的。

  It ' s a pity ***that*** he ' s leaving. 他要走,真遺憾。

  I ' m sure ***that*** she will help you. 我肯定她會幫你的。


  *** 3 ***省略關係代詞

  I ' ll give you all ***that*** I have. 我要把我所有的一切都給你。

  He read the book ***which*** I got yesterday. 他看過我昨天買的書了。

  3. 句子成分的省略

  *** 1 ***省略主語

  Beg your pardon. ***我***請你原諒。*** Beg 前省略了主語 I ***

  Take care! 當心!*** Take 前省略了主語 you ***

  Looks as if it will rain. 看起來象要下雨。*** Looks 前省略了主語 it ***

  *** 2 ***省略謂語

  Who next? 該誰了?*** Who 後面省略了謂語 comes ***

  The river was deep and the ice thin. *** ice 後面省略了 was ***

  We ' ll do the best we can. 我們將盡力而為。*** can 後面省略了動詞 do ***

  *** 3 ***省略表語

  Are you ready? Yes, I am. 你準備好了嗎? 我準備好了。*** am 後面省略了 ready ***

  He was a lover of sports as he had been in his youth. 他還是象年輕時那樣,是一位運動愛好者。*** had been 後面省略了 a lover of sports ***

  *** 4 ***省略賓語

  Let ' s do the dishes. I ' ll wash and you ' ll dry. 讓我們洗碗吧,我來洗,你來揩乾。*** wash 和 dry 後面省略了賓語 dishes ***

  *** 5 ***省略定語

  He spent part of the money, and the rest he saved. 那錢他花了部分,其餘的他都存了起來。*** the rest 後面省略了定語 of the money ***

  *** 6 ***省略狀語

  He was not hurt. Strange! 他沒有受傷,真奇怪!*** Strange 前面省略了狀語 how ***


  1. 省略句可同時省掉句子幾個成份

  What exciting news! ***= What exciting news it is!*** 多麼令人激動的訊息啊!

  Pity he ' s failed. ***= It is a pity that he ' s failed.*** 很遺憾,他失敗了。

  I like him more than her. ***= I like him more than I like her.*** 我喜歡他更甚於喜歡她。

  2. 英語中有一些固定的省略結構:

  a*** 在以 if, when, though, as if ***好像***等連詞引導的從句中,如從句中的主要動詞是 be ,常將主語和動詞 be 省略。

  If necessary, we shall send a telegram home. 如有必要,我們就往家裡打電報。

  Whenever possible, he will come to my help. 他一有可能就來幫助我。

  While cycling, don ' t forget the traffic lights. 騎車時,不要忘記看紅綠燈。

  b*** 由固定片語引導的疑問句:

  What about having a game of chess? 下盤棋怎麼樣?

  How come they left you alone here? 他們怎麼會把你一人留在這裡呢?

  What if it ' s raining? 如果天下雨怎麼辦?

  Why not try again? 為什麼不再試試呢?

  c*** 在口語中,為了避免重複,不定式可以省去和句子前部重複的動詞原形而只留下不定式符號 to 。

  He may leave if he wishes to. 他可以走,如果他願意的話。

  Don ' t go till I tell you to. 等我叫你走你再走。

  3. 被省略的部分一般可以在句子中補上,但有時省略結構已經定型,如果把省略部分補上,反而不合乎習慣。

  He is taller than I am. 他比我高。*** am 之後省略 tall ,補上不合習慣***

  No parking. 禁止停車。***告示用語 = No parking is allowed here. ***


  Not at all. 不用謝。

  No matter. 不要緊。

  Thanks. 謝謝。