



  近年來,中國社會一個熱門的話題就是國考***the National Civil Service Examination***-公務員熱***civilservant craze***。當年用來形容髙考的“千軍萬馬過獨木橋”,如今同樣可以用來形容公務員考試,甚至與考大學、考研、留學熱相比,考公務員熱度更甚。原因之一就是公務員的職業穩定性優於其他各行業,有 “鐵飯碗***ironbowl***”之稱。另外,國家也為公務員建立了完善的保障制度,這使得公務員具有比其他行業更優越的待遇。工作穩定與福利保障使公務員成為許多年輕人夢寐以求的職業。


  In recent years, one of the hot topics in Chinese society is the National Civil Service Examination, namely civil servant craze.Similar to the National College Entrance Examination, the National Civil Service Examination is like hordes of soldiers and horses passing a single-log bridge.Civil servant craze is even more serious than college craze, post-graduate craze and the craze of studying abroad One reason is that the occupational stability of civil servant is superior to other professions, and it is called “iron bowl”,which means a secure job.Besides, the government has built sound security system for civil servants, which makes this profession stand out among others.Thus, occupational stability, together with good welfare and security system has made civil servant the profession that many young men have always dreamed of.

  1.國考:即國家公務員考試,譯為the National Civil Service Examination。

  2.千軍萬馬過獨木橋:可譯為hordes of soldiers and horses passing a single-log bridge。“千軍萬馬”是指“大量的軍馬”,可譯為hordes of soldiers and horses, 或直譯為thousands of soldiers and horses;“ 獨木橋”譯為 single-log bridge。

  3.更甚:此處可以用形容詞serious的比較級來表達,即even more serious0還可譯為far more serious, much more serious等。

  4.優於:可使用固定片語be superior to表達,片語本身就有比較級的意思。工作穩定與福利保陣:可譯為occupational stability, together with a good welfere and security system。





  Honesty is to be sincere and upright,and match one's words with his/her action.Being trustworthy is to keep one's word and not to be false and deceitful.Confucius taught his disciples to be honest.In study,if you know a thing,say you know it;if you don't,say you don't.He thought it was the correct attitude towards study.In ancient times,the doors of Chinese shops had on it an inscription“genuine goods at a fair price for all customers.”This shows that since old times China has advocated the ethics of fair trade,honesty towards customers,no deception and no falsification.In modern China,the virtue of being honest and trustworthy has been carried forward.It is to be single-minded and responsible at work and in learning,and it is to be honest to friends and one should practice what he/she says.

  1.言行一致:即“言論和行動相統一”,故譯為match one's words with his/her action。

  2.知之為知之,不知為不知:可譯為if you know a thing,say you know it;if you don't,say you don't。

  3.貨真價實,童叟無欺:可譯為非謂語短語形式genuine goods at a fair price for all customers,顯得簡潔。

  4.公平交易:可譯為fair trade。