

  篇1:what is love

  what is love?

  i often think about this problem.

  But i do not have a exactly answer.

  Maybe is a thing that you can pay life for others.

  Love is a kind of giving.

  If one person who can not give ,

  he must do not know what is love.

  I am a young girl.

  Maybe some people may think i can say this problem.

  But in fact ,i have experience many things.

  My parents got divorced when i was very young.

  Because my father fall love with another woman.

  i can not understand.

  Why they were became now.

  My mother and my father have love when they were very young.

  Even i can say my mom help my father gone with the time that was most terrible.In that time ,

  my father had nothing.

  No house,no money,no car,no money,he was very poor.

  But my mom followed with him,just for love.

  But what he gave my mother.

  After he have money ,

  he have another woman who is younger and more beautiful.

  And at last ,

  he even for that woman desert me.his dauther.

  I really do not know what is love.

  Love is so changeable.

  From my parents' love i learn that one must keep himself in love.

  Once he lost himself ,

  his love will lost too.

  篇2:the advantge and disadvantage of teaching early

  Fistly ,we must give a right defination to teaching early.

  what is teaching?It is parents give their baby education.

  I think that is right.It is better for baby's future.

  There is an old saying that some kids win at the beganing of run race.

  According to scientist'reserch that children who have early education is more liever than others.

  篇3:my dream

  my dream come with you

  you are still stay with the appearance that i meet you firstly

  but i am already an old woman

  suddenly i realize that something between you and me

  maybe is not love

  i feel that destiny take a hand

  some story can not have a happy ending

  just like my dream



  Spring, a wisp of wind and moist my heart;


  In summer, a wild flower fragrant my heart;


  Autumn, a drop of sweat into my heart;


  In winter, a snowflake bury my palpitation.


  Four seasons in my heart.
