




  林臥愁春盡, 開軒覽物華。

  忽逢青鳥使, 邀入赤松家。

  丹灶初開火, 仙桃正發花。

  童顏若可駐, 何惜醉流霞。

  at a banquet in the house of the taoist priest mei

  meng haoran

  in my bed among the woods, grieving that spring must end,

  i lifted up the curtain on a pathway of flowers,

  and a flashing bluebird bade me come

  to the dwelling-place of the red pine genie.

  ...what a flame for his golden crucible --

  peach-trees magical with buds ! --

  and for holding boyhood in his face,

  the rosy-flowing wine of clouds!




  八月湖水平, 涵虛混太清。

  氣蒸雲夢澤, 波撼岳陽城。

  欲濟無舟楫, 端居恥聖明。

  坐觀垂釣者, 空有羨魚情。

  a message from lake dongtin to premier zhang

  meng haoran

  here in the eighth-month the waters of the lake

  are of a single air with heaven,

  and a mist from the yun and meng valleys

  has beleaguered the city of youzhou.

  i should like to cross, but i can find no boat.

  ...how ashamed i am to be idler than you statesmen,

  as i sit here and watch a fisherman casting

  and emptily envy him his catch.




  寂寂竟何待, 朝朝空自歸。

  欲尋芳草去, 惜與故人違。

  當路誰相假, 知音世所稀。

  只應守寂寞, 還掩故園扉。

  taking leave of wang wei

  meng haoran

  slow and reluctant, i have waited

  day after day, till now i must go.

  how sweet the road-side flowers might be

  if they did not mean good-bye, old friend.

  the lords of the realm are harsh to us

  and men of affairs are not our kind.

  i will turn back home, i will say no more,

  i will close the gate of my old garden.




  故人具雞黍, 邀我至田家。

  綠樹村邊合, 青山郭外斜。

  開軒面場圃, 把酒話桑麻。

  待到重陽日, 還來就菊花。

  stopping at a friend's farm-house

  meng haoran

  preparing me chicken and rice, old friend,

  you entertain me at your farm.

  we watch the green trees that circle your village

  and the pale blue of outlying mountains.

  we open your window over garden and field,

  to talk mulberry and hemp with our cups in our hands.

  ...wait till the mountain holiday --

  i am coming again in chrysanthemum time.




  一丘嘗欲臥, 三徑苦無資。

  北土非吾願, 東林懷我師。

  黃金燃桂盡, 壯志逐年衰。

  日夕涼風至, 聞蟬但益悲。

  from qin country to the buddhist priest yuan

  meng haoran

  how gladly i would seek a mountain

  if i had enough means to live as a recluse!

  for i turn at last from serving the state

  to the eastern woods temple and to you, my master.

  ...like ashes of gold in a cinnamon-flame,

  my youthful desires have been burnt with the years-

  and tonight in the chilling sunset-wind

  a cicada, singing, weighs on my heart.