


  1.Happy Birthday!生日快樂!

  2.fall down掉落

  3.What a mess!真亂!

  4.talk on the phone打電話/在電話說話

  5.pick up撿起/拾起

  6clean the stairs掃樓梯

  7.wash the apples洗蘋果

  8.try to do sth.儘量做某事

  9.get on the bus上公交車

  10.get off the bus下車






  A fish in a small was arrested on the shore, the fish to see it too small, and very beautiful, the it as a gift for his daughter. The little girl put it in a fish tank to keep it up, it every day swim to swim to always meet the inner wall of the fish tank, the heart will have an unpleasant feeling.


  Later, the fish grew bigger and bigger, turned around in the fish tank is very difficult, and the girl gave it a bigger fish tank. It can swim to swim. But each time they hit the tank wall, it is carefree mood will be dim, it some hate the circles of life, simply quietly suspension in the water, not to swim without moving, even food don't eat. Girl see it is very poor, then put it back to the sea.


  It is swimming in the sea, but the heart has not been happy. One day, he met another fish, and the fish said, "you look so unhappy." It sighed and said, "Oh, this fish tank is too big. I can't swim to its side!"


  If you can't break the hearts of the walls, even give you a sea, you can not find the feeling of freedom.
