


  儘管中國古代神話***mythology***沒有十分完整的情節,神話人物也沒有系統的家譜***genealogy***,但它們卻有著鮮明的東方文化特色,其中尤為顯著的是它的尚德精神***the spirit of esteeming virtue***。這種尚德精神在與西方神話特別是希臘神話比較時,顯得更加突出。在西方神話尤其是希臘神話中,對神的褒貶標準多以智慧、力量為準則,而中國古代神話對神的褒貶則多以道德為準繩。這種思維方式深植於中國的文化之中。幾千年來,這種尚德精神影響著人們對歷史人物的品評與現實人物的期望。


  Although ancient Chinese mythology does not have relatively complete plot and mythological figures don't have systematic genealogy, they have distinct features of oriental culture, among which the spirit of esteeming virtue is particularly significant.When compared with Western mythology, especially Greek mythology, this spirit of esteeming virtue is even more prominent.In Western mythology, especially Greek mythology,the criteria for judging whether a god is good or not are mostly the god's wisdom and strength,while in ancient Chinese mythology, the criterion lies in morality. This way of thinking is deeply rooted in Chinese culture.For thousands of years, this spirit of esteeming virtue has affected people's comments on historical figures and expectations of real people.



  天津熱帶植物觀光園,坐落在中國晚香玉之鄉,華北地區最大的花卉集散地曹莊花卉市場旁。由中北鎮政府投資2.6億元建成,佔地面積500畝,建築面積40 000平方米。其集觀賞、娛樂、休閒、購物、科普教育於一體,堪稱亞洲地區最大室內植物園,可與英國“伊甸園”相媲美,是天津壯觀的新景區,被人們稱為北方的“西雙版納”。


  Tianjin Tropical Botanical Touring Garden, situated at“The Tuberose Village of China”, locates beside Caozhuang flower market, which is the largest flower distributing center in the north of China. The total investment of the garden is 260 million RMB. The garden unfolds over 500 mu and the architectural area is 40 000 square meters. It integrates sightseeing, recreation, relaxing, shopping, etc. into science popularizing. This garden is by far the largest greenhouse in Asia, which can be compared to the Eden in England. It is a recently spectacular scenic spot in Tianjin. People regard it as “Xishuangbanna” of China North.


  天津熱帶植物觀光園 Tianjin Tropical Botanical Touring Garden

  中國晚香玉之鄉 The Tuberose Village of China

  集散地 distributing center

  投資 investment

  集…於一體 integrate...into...

  觀賞 sightseeing

  娛樂 recreation

  休閒 relaxing

  科普 science popularizing

  伊甸園 Eden

  壯觀的 spectacular





  The Silk Route is an important international trade route between China and the Mediterranean in history. Since silk accounted for a large proportion of trade along this route, in 1877, it was named the Silk Route by an eminent German geographer. In the meantime, this route served as an artery of exchange for many other products, and more importantly, their technology. One of the most significant objects introduced to China via the Silk Route is Buddhism. Chinese techniques of silkworm breeding, iron smelting and irrigation spread to Central and Southern Asia and to Europe.


  絲綢之路 the Silk Route

  地中海 the Mediterranean

  傑出的 eminent

  地理學家 geographer

  交易 exchange

  主幹線 artery

  養蠶 silkworm breeding

  生鐵鍛造 iron smelting

  灌溉 irrigation