

  亞歷山大[yà lì shān dà]


  Alexandria ***埃及港口城市***; Alexander

  網 絡Alexander;Alexandria;Jason Alexander;ALEXANDRE DE PARIS



  My name is Alexander, "Al" for short.


  Is Mr. Alexander here yet?


  All this is not to antedate the demise of the empire.


  Alexander pushed his conquests still farther east.


  Alexander tipped the tiny baby with the tip of his finger.


  Alexander is in a miserable plight.


  Alexander is a pious follower of the faith.


  Alexander is a member of the medical fraternity.


  Alexander is a racist who refuses to employ blacks.

  1. Alexander Lazarus is a food critic for the newspaper. 亞歷山大·拉扎勒斯是為該報撰稿的飲食評論家。

  2. Mr Alexander is not the slightest bit coy about his ambitions. 亞歷山大先生對自己的抱負毫不隱諱。

  3. She gave up her studies to have Alexander. 為了生亞歷山大,她放棄了學業。

  4. Alexander rolled up his trouser legs. 亞歷山大把褲腿捲起來。

  5. Alexander is a racist who refuses to employ blacks. 亞歷山大是個種族歧視者,拒絕聘用黑人.

  6. Alexander's engineers built floating rafts for the heavy catapults. 亞歷山大的工兵修建了浮動的筏子來運載沉重的弩炮.

  7. Alexander wore black for the rite. 亞歷山大穿黑衣服參加了那個儀式.

  8. Alexander was responsible for rehousing them. 亞歷山大負責給他們安排新的住所.

  9. Alexander is a pious follower of the faith. 亞歷山大是個虔誠的信徒.

  10. Alexander got a malignant slander. 亞歷山大受到惡意的誹謗.

  11. Alexander always has milky coffee at lunchtime. 亞歷山大總是在午餐時喝摻奶的咖啡.

  12. Alexander's girlfriend is a courier. 亞歷山大的女朋友是一名導遊.

  13. Alexander receives a small annuity. 亞歷山大獲得了一份數額不大的年金.

  14. Alexander held dominion over a vast area. 亞歷山大曾統治過遼闊的地域.

  15. My name is Alexander, Al for short. 我叫亞歷山大, 簡稱亞爾.

  16. Alexander carried his victorious arms into Northwest India. 亞歷山大大帝勝利地進攻到印度西北部.

  17. Alexander signified his consent with a nod. 亞歷山大點頭表示同意.

  18. Alexander is a man of unquestioned moral rectitude. 亞歷山大是個品行端正無瑕的人.

  19. Alexander was implicated in the robbery. 亞歷山大與那宗搶劫案有牽連.

  20. Alexander is out boozing with his friends. 亞歷山大在外邊跟朋友們痛飲.