


  c: please take one of these trolleys there and i will deposit my bag at the checkroom.

  b: ok. what do you want to buy?

  c: i want to buy some vegetables and seafood. we also need some seasoning.

  b: the vegetables are over here. cabbages, eggplants. bean sprouts.... they do have everything.

  c: look at their prices. probably we can get them cheaper in the vegetable market.

  b: but it's a little farther for us to go there.

  c: look, prawn is on sale today. i'ii get half a pound of them and a pound of shrimp.

  b: very well. i think it is better to have a bottle of champagne .

  c: i like it. where is the seasoning counter?

  b: it's over there.

  c: i need a bottle of vinegar and a pack of salt.

  b: it seems that we also have to buy a pack of sugar.

  c: ok, i'ii fetch it.


  s: would you like to buy something here?

  c: this black bag looks pretty. what's the price?

  s: you really have a good eye. it costs 210 yuan.

  c: oh, it's too expensive. i'm not a deep pocket.

  s: it's a brand name and it's the latest fashion this year.

  c: it's really a high price for a bag. don't try to rip me off!

  s: if you really like it, you can get a l0 yuan discount.

  c: the price is still higher than i expected. i insist on 150 yuan.

  s: 150 yuan can barely cover the price. our profit margin is not that large.

  c: prices are always negotiable. if you can't come down a little more, maybe i will hit another shop.

  s: let's meet halfway, 180 yuan, ok? i won't let it go for less than this price. i assure you

  can't get a lower price elsewhere. take it or leave it?

  c: all right. i will take it.


  s: look at that ad. "flea market"!

  j: have you been there before?

  s: i have got a rare book there. the secondhand goods there are much cheaper than the new ones.

  j: really?

  s: yes, you can get the best deal there.

  j: but i have no idea what is on sale.

  s: it's like a huge warehouse. goods on sale are very plentiful, such as arts and crafts, lamps, clothes and etc.

  j: it sounds good. what about the price there?

  s: you need to bargain with sellers. otherwise, they will rip you off.

  j: sounds like a right place for cheap merchandise.

  s: yes, i have heard that most people do secondhand sales just for fun bargaining is the funniest thing for them.

  j: all right. i will go sometime. maybe i might find something new there.