


  近日,筆者在《華爾街日報》The Wall Street Journal經濟新聞中碰到這樣一個句子:"Sales of electronics and appliances slipped in March, but were still up 1.7% from January and 3.6% from a year earlier.“句中 slipped和from a year earlier 的理解與翻譯離不開經濟統計學知識。前者將三月份電子和家電產品的銷售增長速度與二月份進行比較,這種比較統計學上稱為“環比”,所以slipped要譯為“環比下降”;後者將今年同期與去年同期相比,這種比較叫做“同比”,所以from a year earlier要譯成“同比”。當下是中國經濟飛速發展的時期,在消費物價指數CPI高企不下的形勢下,人們對CPI的波動非常敏感。而最能反映經濟發展速度和CPI波動的 術語“同比”與“環比”以極高的頻率經常出現在國內報章雜誌和政府檔案中。下面簡要探討這兩個概念的翻譯方法。



  同比指與上一年同期相比,如將今年一月與去年一月相比,今年第三季度與去年第三季度相比。廣義的同比還包括將報告期內某時段與上一時期同一時段比較,如將第八個五年計劃的第二年與第七個五年計劃的第二年比較。同比發展速度指用本期發展水平減去去年同期發展水平除去去年同期發展水平乘以100%,其計算公式為“同比發展速度=本期發展水平一去年同期發展水平/去年同期發展水平x 100%”。建立同比發展速度的概念主要是為了消除季節變動的影響,用以說明本期發展水平與上一年同期發展水平對比而達到的相對發展速度。參見中國知網和百度百科網站


  環比是將某一時期內相鄰的兩個等長時段相比,如將去年五月同去年四月相比,將今年第三季度同 今年第二季度相比。廣義的環比還包括時間跨度較大的相鄰兩個時段比較,如將第八個五年計劃時期 與第七個五年計劃時期比較。環比發展速度一般指報告期水平與前一時期水平之比,表明現象逐期的 發展速度,其計算公式為“環比=本統計週期數據/上統計週期數據x 100%”。同上






  英國《金融時報》. ftchinese


  美國《美國之音》. cn



  3.1 “同比"的翻譯

  “同比”經常與“上升”或“下降”同時使 用。常用於翻譯“上升”和“下降”的英語詞彙有 rise,up,higher,grow,growth,increase,more, double, expand, quadruple, fall, down, lower, drop,decline,contract,below,tumble,decelerate 等。“同比”譯法粗略歸納如下:

  3.1.1 year on year

  除了 year on year 夕卜,還可使用 year-on-year 和 year-over-year, year-on-year既可用作前置定語,也可 像year on year —樣用作狀語。例如:

  全球最大的重型機械製造商之一小松報告, 其中國市場的單位銷售量3月份同比下降28%。

  Komatsu, one of the biggest heavy machinery makers, saw Chinese unit sales fall 28 per cent year on year in March.

  加班工作時間繼續以兩位數的速度減少。 製造業的加班時間同比下降40%。

  Overtime hours continued to fall by double digits, declining 40 per cent year-on-year in the manufacturing sector.


  This would be the biggest year-on-year fall for more than 60 years.

  3.1.2 “from + 時間”

  用於翻譯“同比”的"from +時間”短語很多, 包括from a year earlier, from a year ago, from a year before, from the year before, from the same period a year earlier, from the same period a year ago 等。例如:


  Prices continued to fall with the consumer price index falling 1.2 per cent from a year earlier.


  But Chinese exports still fell roughly a quarter in the first five months from the same period a year earlier.

  3.1.3 “compared to / with +時間”

  與漢語“同比”字面大致對應的表達法有 compared to a year earlier, compared with the prior year, compared with a year ago, compared to the year before, compared with the year-ago period 等。例如:


  The data show that China’s gross domestic product expanded at 9.8 per cent in the fourth quarter compared to a year earlier.

  約佔公司總收入5%的消費業務收入,上個 季度同比下降了 15%。

  Revenue from the consumer business, about 5% of the company’s total, fell 15% last quarter, compared with the prior year.

  3.1.4 “形容詞或副詞的比較級+than+時間”

  也可用“形容詞或副詞的比較級+ than +時間”結構,如 lower...than a year before, higher...than a year earlier 等。例J如:

  更可靠的出口資料顯示,一月份出口同比下降了 17.5%。

  Exports, on which the figures are more reliable, were 17.5% lower in January than a year before.


  Overall, pre-tax profits were 3 per cent higher thana year earlier.

  3.1.5 “On + 時間”

  還可用"on +時間”結構,如on a year earlier, on a year ago,on the year等來翻譯“同比”。例如:

  2007年,總的外來投資達到230億美元最新可用資料,同比增長了 40%。

  Total inward investment was $23 billion in 2007 the latest available figure, up over two-fifths on a year earlier.


  Exports of several items used by manufacturers elsewhere in Asia, such as chemicals, semiconductors and car parts, were all up on the year.

  3.1.6 其他譯法

  除了以上方法,還可用 against the previous year, on a similar comparison, like-for-like,以及"to +時 間”、"from + one' s level +月份”和“倍數 + the amount +時間”等結構翻譯。例如:

  公共部門的淨費用收入總額——佔該公司 英國業務的近40% 同比下降13%。

  Overall public sector net fees - which accounts for almost 40 per cent of its UK business - fell 13 per cent against the previous year.

  俄羅斯、巴西和日本同期的產量分別同比 下降了 16%,25% 和 29%。

  Output in Russia, Brazil and Japan was down 16 per cent, 25 per cent and 29 per cent respectively, on a similar comparison.


  Like-for-like growth of 7% drew a line under two unprecedented years of falling sales.

  1月份,中國出口同比下降了 18%,進口則達43%。

  Chinese exports fell 18% and imports 43% in the year to January.


  The 2 Feb' data showed Korean exports, a barometer of global trade, down a third from their level last January.


  During the first two months this year, China exported 42,600 metric tons of refined copper, eight times the amount a year earlier.

  3.2 “環比"的翻譯方法

  “環比”的用法和譯法與“同比”有些相似,但也有區別。用於翻譯與“環比”搭配的“上升”和 “下降”的英語詞彙除了上文介紹之外,還有leap, improvement, slip, dip, shrink 等。“環比”譯法歸納如下:

  3.2.1 month on month

  可用 month-on-month, month on month, quarter- on-quarter,quarter on quarter 翻譯“環比”,偶爾也可用 month-to-month。 month-on-month和quarter-on- quarter兼具定語和狀語的功能。例如:


  On a month-on-month basis, the National Bureau of Statistics of China said the CPI dropped 0.3 per cent from April’s level.


  And vegetable prices rose 16 per cent month on month.

  3.2.2 “from + 時間”

  可用“from +時間”結構,如from the month before, from the second quarter, from July等翻譯。



  China' demand for oil in July fell five per cent from the previous month, and is up just two per cent year on year, according to Deutsche Bank.


  Third-quarter deal volume of $412.4bn was down 34 per cent from the second quarter.


  On a monthly basis, exports and imports fell around 10 per cent in February from January.

  3.2.3 “compared with / to + 時間”

  也可用“Compared with / to +時間”結構,如 compared with the previous month, compared to the first quarter等翻譯。例如:


  In June, the latest month for which data are available, German exports leapt by 7 per cent compared to the previous month.


  Efficient Frontier found that cost-per-click ads increased by 22 per cent in the second quarter of 2011 compared with the first.


  除了以上方法,還可用over the preceding quarter,sequential growth, on a sequential basis 等翻譯。表示幾個月或季度連續下降可用一“the +序數詞 + straight + month / quarter + of + 表示上升或下降的名詞”翻譯。例如:


  Notably, the Philippines and Singapore led the entire Asian market by posting over 15% rental growth over the preceding quarter.


  Although the first quarter numbers reflected in part the slump in the economy at the same time last year, sequential growth was also strong.


  First-quarter operating profit dropped on a sequential basis; this follows a year where income growth decelerated to a mere 4 per cent.





  Volumes at the two main ports in nearby Shenzhen - Yantian and Shekou - are down 13 per cent and 24 per cent, respectively.


  上例是《金融時報》上一篇題為Growth Story amid Trouble in the Delta?參見 http:// . com/story/001030009/ce 中的一個句子。該句前面有一句:“Container throughput volumes in Hong Kong are down about 17 percent ear-on-year”,其中的year- on-year告訴我們,上例所提到的下降是同比下降。有上下文暗示的省略不難理解,難的是無上下文暗示的省略。此時我們只有從文章語境之外去尋找答案。例如《金融時報》上有這樣一個句子:

  Growth slowed to close to zero in the fourth quarter of last year and in February exports tumbled 26 per cent.


  此例是Geoff Dyer —篇題為Hesitating to Take on Global Leadership"參見 . com/story/001025660/en 中的一個句子,發表於2009年4月4日,主題與中國有關。例中“lowed to close to zero”為何譯為“環比增長接近於零”?搜遍整個文章也不見蛛絲馬跡。我們只有從中國實際經濟狀況中求解。例中“last year”顯然指2008年。據國家統計局網站資料,2008年第三季度GDP 為76548億元,同比增長9% ;第四季度GDP為97019億元,同比增長6.8%。結合這四個資料,我們就不難理解上例中的“slowed”指增長速度放緩,由9%下降到6.8%,而“close to zero”似指國內生產總值2008年第四季度與第三季度相比即環比增加微乎其微,但實際情況是第四季度GDP有明顯增加,增加值為97019億元一76548億元=20471億元。Geoff Dyer有些誇大其詞。




  Imports rose 15.6 per cent from May,while declining 13.2 per cent year on year.


  Net income was $123.5m,rising 74.3 per cent from the first quarter and 118.5 per cent from the same period in 2009.

  第二季度淨利潤為1.235億美元,環比增長 74.3%,同比激增118.5%。或譯:淨利潤為1.235 億美元,較第一季度環比增長74.3%,同比激增 118.5%。



  But profit tumbled 21% from the second quarter,while sales fell 2.8%.


  4月份,中國消費價格同比下降1.5%,環 比下降1.2%,已經連續三個月環比下降。

  China's consumer prices fell 1.5% in April from a year earlier, after a 1.2% drop in March, marking the third straight month of decline.

  第一個例子來自《金融時報》網站。原文暗示第三季度與第二季度相比下降了 21%,亦即第三季度下降了 21%,譯文卻說“二季度下降了 21%”。又如第二個例子將“環比下降 1.2%” 譯為“a 1.2% drop in March”,根據前面的“from a year earlier”,好像譯文語境暗示的是將今年三月與去年三月相比,這是同比而不是環比。要表示環比,需要將“after a 1.2% drop in March”改為 “a 1.2% drop form the month before”。


  Ford’s first-quarter earnings were $2.55bn,up 22 per cent on a year earlier and far ahead of analysts' estimates.

  福特第一季度利潤為25.5億美元,同比增長 22%,遠遠超出分析師們的預測。

  And Macau is going from strength to strength: in the first quarter of 2010 its gambling revenues were 57% up on a year earlier.


  以上兩例中的on a year earlier分別被譯為“同比”和“環比”。誰對誰錯?相鄰兩個年份的比較被稱 為“同比”或“環比”,似乎都有道理。同比一般用於本年某月、某季度甚至幾個季度同去年對應月份或季度的比較,若將月份和季度擴充套件為全年即四個季度,那麼相鄰兩個年份的比較就是同比。同樣,相鄰的兩個年份在更長時期內,如某個五年計劃期間內,與一年內相鄰的兩個月份或季度沒有任何區別,所以也可以看作環比。綜觀兩例原文,均沒有較長階段的時間標記。也就是說,on a year earlier所指的今年與去年的比較並不是某一較長時間階段內相鄰兩個年份的比較,是同比而非環比。所以,兩例中的on a year earlier似乎譯為“同比”較為妥當。需要順便指出的是,用於翻譯同比的“on +時間”結構多用於同比上升而不是同比下降語境中。