


  1. Establish and implement annual objectives for the Human Resources Department.


  2. Establish,maintain and ensure adherence to all personnel-related policies and procedures.


  3. Respond in courteous, professional and rapid manner in order to resolve all guest and associate difficulties.


  4. Develop,direct and oversee overall hotel recruitment and hiring activities strategies for all Expat and National Expat positions.


  5. Support and uphold hotel philosophy concerning hiring, associate relations, supervision and disciplinary action.


  6. Conduct salary/benefit surveys of the local market and recommend enhancements of the hotel’s compensation plan.


  7. Provide hotel-wide communication vehicles and interact in courteous and professional manner with all guests, associates and community members.


  8. Supervise,direct, coordinate, influence and persuade associates in order to maintain service standards of hotel.?



  Human Resources Office

  Lead the Human Resources Team Members to orient non-managerial Team Members

  Assist Corp HR Department in ensuring distribution and implementation of all HR initiatives by all departments and sections


  Handle functions related to employment such as recruitment, preliminary screening, hiring, placement and orientation

  Supervise Team Members assigned to perform these functions

  Ensure compliance by Team Members, other departments and sections with policies, procedures, rules and regulations

  Conduct reference checks on applicants

  Wage and Salary Administration

  Conduct HR-related surveys as needed

  Follow up on Performance Appraisals with HODs

  Administer process and paperwork for salary changes

  Team Member Relations

  Ensure that annual Team Member relations programmes are handled successfully within approved Human Resources budget and in accordance with established timetable. Such programmes may include sports, recreational, social and other activities.

  Follow Group Standard in distribution and/or publication of information affecting Employer-Team Member relations, Team Member activities and programmes

  Team Member Benefits and Welfare

  Ensure that approved benefit programmes are understood by the Team Members

  Team Member Discipline

  Ensure that the Team Members are aware of the rules and regulations established

  Counsel/ advise Team Members when they have questions about the rules and regulations

  Record management

  Supervise Team Members engaged in records maintenance and control

  Supervise Team Members assigned in the classification, filing, issuance control of permanent records of Team Member, confidential documents and Team Members’ files

  Ensure that the security of important and confidential documents is properly handled


  1、 依照國家勞動法等政策和法規,參與制定公司人力資源管理規劃、中長期的激勵、薪酬福利體系、績效考評機制提出策略化及建設性意見及行政管理。

  2、 結合公司年度發展戰略方向,梳理組織與流程,人員定崗定編,組織完善任職資格體系,組織員工手冊的修訂。

  3、 結合公司年度經營計劃,負責公司起草年度工作規劃、年度人力成本需求預算,年度預算費用過程的控制與監督,改善策略。

  4、 負責人事組織架構,人才梯隊建設;完善內部選人,育人,留人機制;並提供有效建議。

  5、 負責建立員工培訓制度及培訓講師制度,開展員工培訓需求分析,課件的稽核,制訂《公司年度員工培訓計劃》。學習平臺資源引薦,實行逐月分解落地,並實施員工培訓效果評估。

  6、 建立完善年度績效考核機制與薪酬政策制定,確定各部門年度績效框架和指標庫,制訂各部門及各崗位的KPI考核指標,搭建公司、部門、個人績效評價體系。考核過程監督、檢討與完善。

  7、 負責公司文化建設與正能量宣導工作,通過各種形式向員工宣導公司願景、使命、核心價值觀,增強公司凝聚力,組織參與公司企業文化建設,組織開展健康、積極的文娛活動。如年會、技能競賽、生日會、新員工座談會、季/年度評優、企業文化公眾號建設推廣等。

  8、 主導公司資訊化發展建設提供的後臺支援,保障公司辦公軟體、硬體高效運作,根據公司發展合理化資訊化建設推進。

  9、 主導公司行政管理工作,如熟悉:辦公室規範,食宿,安全消防,環境衛生等方面實際管理經驗更佳。

